HELP! My plant isn't producing bud!

stare alto

Active Member
I am currently in my 3rd week of flowering, all of my four plants have been producing hairs but only one has shown sign of bud. I have them in a small closet, under a 400 M/H on 12/12. I drop my temps from 78 to around 69 during the dark period. I use 5 gal pots with miracle gro which i know isnt the best. I was contemplating moving them outdoor because i heard that the bud will grow quicker and probably yield more, but im not sure if that will work at this moment in the plants life? Please help ASAP!!!


Well-Known Member
dont move them outside... itll stress them out... the suns light isnt the same kind of light that your bulb produces... unless you are going to harden them off to the outdoor light (slowly introduce them to the outside a few hours a day and gradually increase the amount every day) then thats not your answer... my guess is this.. the MH light is good for veg growth... and you can flower under them.. but it definatly will add a few weeks of flowering time... your plant needs more of the red spectrum during the flowering stage... and less of the blue spectrum.. which is what your MH puts off... if you have the money go purchase a 400w HPS light and use that... if money is an issue hardening them off would be an option.. but with the outdoors comes added stressors... otherwise just be patient and wait... itll take extra time.. but youll get their eventually...


Well-Known Member
if you moved them outside there is a good chance they would return to their vegitative state, is the strain very sativa dominant?

stare alto

Active Member
is there any other cheap light i could throw in next to the MH for some more red... or I know this sounds dumb, but cpould i use a red tinted reflective paper?


Well-Known Member
go and get some LEDs from the hardware store... like red ones used for accent lighting inside... i dont know how big your area is to suggest how many to get... but they will supply some additional red light spectrum


Well-Known Member
Patience pothopper...they'll do what they'll isn't a're on their time schedule.... as said putting them outside can screw the cycle unless you bring them in at night.... I just tried snowryders (auto's for the 1st time) and everything is back asswards to what I'm used too.. but patience paid off... I'd avoid playing with the temps... the purple strains require a cooler dark temp but don't fuck the flower cycle by changing temps... Luck.


Well-Known Member
can you post any pics?? what kind of nutes are you using?? are you maybe using veg nutes instead of flowering nutes? im just trying to start eliminating other potential problems....


Well-Known Member
Stop freaking..all that means is the pistils are beyond pollination stage..check my sig charts...... its like when you pollinate a bud...about six days in the pistils will turn red/orange/brown... freak when nothing happens...when shit happens it means the plant is taking care of business......


i think i have the same problem but im using a 1000w hps lamp i have what i think is the start of bud but this is my first plant and im not sure whats really going on?