Help my plants are very droppy


water when the soil an inch down doesn't feel moist anymore... just stick yer finger down there.... sometimes it can vary by a day or two so strict watering schedules can sometimes lead to overwatering or underwatering...


Well-Known Member
The plant on the far left (half out of picture) looks very perky. I'm going on the assumption that your water them all equally and at the same time. Have you checked the drainage holes on the bottom of the pot?

I ask this because I had two nearly identical plants who received equal amounts of water and suddenly one of my plants started appearing over watered. It turned out 3 of the 4 drainage holes were blocked by the pebbles I had in the bottom of the pot... Just something to check.


Active Member
your plants are over watered or under watered. hopefully they are not over watered cause will have to take them out get all the wet dirt off of the roots and then replant them(pain in the ass)


Well-Known Member
your plants are over watered or under watered. hopefully they are not over watered cause will have to take them out get all the wet dirt off of the roots and then replant them(pain in the ass)
i have never heard of this can you explain.......thanks


Well-Known Member
if you fear youve over watered them just dont water it for 3-5 days maybe more .it simulates drought and the roots will look for water better to under water it than to over if any doughts dig with your finger an inche down if the dirt doesnt get darker then its dry if you disturbe the soil and it gets a much darker look it got plenty of moisture. HAPPY GROWING


Well-Known Member
I'm just a newb, but that plant and the one to it's right are in serious SHOCK. Like they say put your finger in the mix and if it feels dry then water and if it's saturated and the pot feels heavy then lay off watering and check the drainage, maybe even re-pot into a larger pot. Apparently transplanting can cause shock which hasn't happend to me yet but I guess if you damage the root ball during the process then yeah SHOCK and maybe death... Also the wrong tempreture can cause shock. And now that it's been shocked you will have to check it's sex because it might hermie as that's what I want to do to one of my clones to get some seeds.

Good luck, but if it's too wet then just re-pot her as she is looking ready for a larger pot anyways (a bit hard to tell the scale in the pic so I might have it wrong).:blsmoke:


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You are spamming the board. All of your posts are cut and paste and look exactly the same, and are advertising the exact same products.