Help !! My plants deficent how do i fix her !!!


ahaha no bother your not much help. u basicaly said dont grow if u dont have a ph pen ya tit
seems to be all good any way

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
youll never get the food right without a ph pen. and its not boron as we hardly need any opf it and oyu would see the main foods deff before any others show


I know the feeling it was growing so fdast i was so happy then bang **balls** horrible felling lol
btw does anyone no anything about this. It seems my plants water is at a bad ph. I have been looking ionto it and seen i can buy
ph 7.5 whixh putra your water at ph 7.5 will this work ??

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
why buy water, it wont stay at the new ph once opened. and once you add food then your back to no ph again


No not ph water my friend its powder 2 x 12g so once ive added the food i would add the recomended amount of ph 7.5 and that would be that every watering ?

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
no, were growing plants not rasing jk..

your still never going to know what the right ph is after adding food no matter wehat you do. a ph pen is a must to grow properly. there are cheepos online for about 20 bucks, not the best but will do and is better than the liquid pool tester ones
the way i see that thing working is even if you added food it will want to adjust the water to the 7.5. so whatever it is will release more of the shit to move it..and will bite your ass

heres a link to a bunch of cheepos..................


cheeers bro. is the 3 n 1 testers good for soil,ph,light ?

and when i get the ph tester and it shows ph too high what do i doo then

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
buy 1 pen and dont waste more on soil meters, its the same thing and the probe ones suk. the ph will most likely be low in the medium. so need to set to right ph and run through till it comes up. dont adjust the ph to make the medium rise or fall. the soil ph and food ph are 2 diff readings also. keep ther medium about 6.2 to 6.7 and always use same ph for foods and water days.
your going to need ph up and ph down to work right, dont use baking soda to adjust ph up as it kills off microbial life in soil