Help! My plants look sad!


Well-Known Member
:leaf:Leaves have been like this on both my plants for 2 days now! I went a couple of waterings without any nutes dues to me not having any, then i watered and added a small amount of MG Bloom Buster the day after the leaves started to droop. I was thinking it would help! To me they look over-watered but i only water when the soil is dry.My pH levels are @ 6.8 PLEASE any hellp!? Both are my first plants ever and both turned out to be female:clap: ... :leaf:



Well-Known Member
maybe im just noid max lol, they just kinda look droopy to me...the main colas are looking nice on both plants. What do you recommend using for nutes that i can get at my local store like lowes or homedepot?


Well-Known Member
it all depends on if you wanna use organic or chemicals. For me in veg state all i use is foxfarm grow big and the in my flowering room i use advanced nutes sensi parts A and B, big bud, carb load and overdrive. Ive found the best stuff you can buy from big franchises like that is neptunes harvest, it is 100% organic stinks like shit but works waaaaay better than mg.


Well-Known Member
They are looking worse today, leaves are drooping and turning brown, looks waterlogged..what do I need to do?? Just wait it out a few days or what? Please help!


Well-Known Member
you might be overwatering, in the past when i have had that problem i would take a fan and blow it directly on the top parts of the pots. Looks like you might have some nute burn from the MG


Well-Known Member
and just remember that just because soil looks dry doesn't mean it is. the best way to see if then need to be watered is by lifting up the pots to see how heavy they are. don't go by what the soil looks like because the top layer always dries out quicker
Hey bro. I had a similar problem and it was a slight over watering. Maybe a little less water. Read up on it though, I'm no veteran.


Well-Known Member
hey guys thanks for the info, i usually use the finger method to check the soil. I watered 2 days ago so im going to wait another day or two then introduce it in smaller doses. And as for the nutes i actually used a 1/4 of what it told me too..think im not giving it enough or do i need to go to my local hydro store and get the real deal? Most of the bottom leaves looked over watered and soft, but the top leaves are turning up and very im lost:wall: as you can tell it has jusrt gotten worse since yesterday

