HELP!!!! My plants' older leaves are going yellow

well here is the problem, i have two plants growin in my closet and though everything looks all right the bottom older leaves are going yellow....I believe its not excessive heat because the temperature is 28-29C, and moreover because they have survived for 5 weeks. Please anyone, HELP! i am new to growin weed so every opinion would be very are two photos of my is afgaan and the other is the brainstorm haze



Active Member
welcome to RIU man
i aint no expert but might be needin neuts what ya feeding her?
id take off those lower sucker leafs and branches anyway they only make tiny nugs.
i recently started givin her a synthetic crystalllic fertilizer or something like that, that has N,Mn,Mg,iron....its the first time i feed them in 4-5 weeks,and the agronomist told me it ll take three weeks to see results so i'm waiting.......:(


Well-Known Member
Usually when older leaves yellow your plant is eating the stored food in them.......meaning she/he is hungry.......but could be a ph issue as well..when your ph is not in the desire range the plant wont uptake certain nutrients i recommend checking your ph first.......and for some reason i couldnt see the photos


Well-Known Member
i recently started givin her a synthetic crystalllic fertilizer or something like that, that has N,Mn,Mg,iron....its the first time i feed them in 4-5 weeks,and the agronomist told me it ll take three weeks to see results so i'm waiting.......:(
A synthetic crystallic fert? Do you mean a water soluble granular synthetic? At any rate, you shouldn't have to wait three weeks to see results. When I see mine getting a little 'down' I give 'em a good dose of petro chem 20 20 20 and it perks them right up in just a few days. In a week's time, the color should be about back to normal except for the leaves that have gone too far to the 'other' side.


Active Member
First off gunslinger,when your issuing a problem don't list the temps in (Celsius) list in (Farenheit), If lower leaves are yellowing it could be due to lack of light causing those leaves not to soak up light,will yellow them. It is most likely due to lack of nitrogen though,so get a veg. fertalizer program running that is sufficient in nitrogen,and when you fertalize make sure your ph is between 5.5-6.5 no lower no higher, I prefer a ph of 5.8-6. Oregon The Chronic State.


Well-Known Member
First off gunslinger,when your issuing a problem don't list the temps in (Celsius) list in (Farenheit), If lower leaves are yellowing it could be due to lack of light causing those leaves not to soak up light,will yellow them. It is most likely due to lack of nitrogen though,so get a veg. fertalizer program running that is sufficient in nitrogen,and when you fertalize make sure your ph is between 5.5-6.5 no lower no higher, I prefer a ph of 5.8-6. Oregon The Chronic State.
I'm American just like you dude, but lets be real, the rest of the world uses Celsius, so just because you're too lazy to glance at your themometer in your grow room to see what it converts to, doesn't mean you can demand conformity from a person posting, just plain rude.


Active Member
I'm American just like you dude, but lets be real, the rest of the world uses Celsius, so just because you're too lazy to glance at your themometer in your grow room to see what it converts to, doesn't mean you can demand conformity from a person posting, just plain rude.
I didn't mean to sound mean,sometimes dialog can be made to look rude. What i'm saying is the most common unit for temperature is in farenheit,I just like to make it easy for people to understand,didn't mean to sound ordering. Hope you fix your problem,goodluck. Oregon The Chronic State.