Help: My plants stopped growing


New Member
Hey y’all,

so I started growing my first marijuana plants a couple of weeks ago (germinated the seeds on July 7th and planted them on July 8th so roughly 2 weeks ago) and recently I noticed that they have stopped growing. It’s been like 6 days now. I’m going to describe my set up/plant care as much as possible and provide pictures to get an explanation for why they stopped growing and what I can do to make them grow again.

I water the plants about every 2 days and I have them under a grow light from 12am-6pm everyday (so 18-6 light schedule). They are planted in fox farm soil and as of now I am not using any nutrients in them (I believe I am supposed to start when the plants have 3-4 sets of leaves). They are autoflowering feminized white widow seeds.
Based on that info here are some things that I think could be affecting my growth:

Maybe I am overwatering? Is every two days too much? Additionally, my pots do not have holes at the bottom. I read that this maybe be in issue in terms of drainage. The pots came with the saucers attached. So maybe the roots aren’t getting enough oxygen because of overwatering and lack of holes in the bottom of the pot? Should I move the plants to pots that have holes at the bottom?
In terms of lighting, one issue could be distance of the grow light to the plant. Is my grow light too far or too close to the plants? (See attached photos) I also turn my grow lights off at 6pm-12am for the “dark” 6 hour period that they are supposed to have out of the 18-6 hour lighting schedule. Although I turn the grow light off during this time, my plants are still exposed to the sunlight in the room form about 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm until the sun sets. Is this in issue? Should they be in complete darkness during this time? Should I move them to a dark area such as a closet for these 6 hours?

that’s all I can think of for now. I would appreciate any feedback and expertise based on what I’ve described/the attached photos :)
Sidenote: Am I stressing/overthinking for no reason
given that my plants are in their very early stages?FF5B2D23-3A49-4626-8691-0BC6EEADCAE4.jpegC06FA04D-9E94-4EAC-B85A-09C323DBECD4.jpeg05752A7E-1C32-4D68-B72E-B26A61E57771.jpeg3B2D568C-AF00-45F0-844F-0995E0D63330.jpegF6631755-BA5E-45D9-A21E-A761106BE60B.jpeg3C23F851-C653-4018-8CCE-5F0A70F65EEA.jpeg879D1AF1-CB9D-47AC-81EE-65C648A895A4.jpeg6116996E-609F-4DA2-8420-DB5796E8AD5E.jpeg5E106085-F59D-4CDC-93A4-585720FEEACF.jpeg5F99CCF8-332C-4267-830A-77BD32663E80.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Your overwatering, ff is hot for a seedling maybe wrong with auto,your light is a mile away and your growing in the middle of a bedroom? So environmentally its probably off as well