Help My Weed Plants


Active Member
What's wrong with my plant?? my 3 weeks old plant turn its leafs into yellow and brown, it seems like its burned.. whats the problem? overwatering or lights?
This is a picture of my setup..
PLEASE HELP it's my frist time indoor growing..



Active Member
Please guys i need help.. my plant is completely yellow but still green from the centre and continue very slow growing.. its 1 month old now.. and still the same size in pictures

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
wow..... thats 1 month old?.... it looks like its 4 days from germination

urmm.... what medium are you using and have you been trying to use nutrients with it?

looks like your using soil, i really dont no how you could of stunted your plant so badly unless youve posioned it with nutes when its so young


Active Member
LOL! Yes, it's 1 month old..
I didn't understand what do you mean by medium?

Yes I used to put some nutrients when it's 2 weeks just for 3 days, when I transplanted her to the soil.
Should i transplant it to a new soil? My soil composition: Element Principle is quality sphagnum peat from Northern Europe and Spain, to which is added to the fertilizer and lime

Its under 2 CFL growing for 3 plants, 26W (equiv. 100W) and 30W (equiv. 130W) the same bulbs in the picture.. bbut i used to put it about 15 cm above the plants..


Hi babe, yeah, its a case ov Too Much Too Soon...
The compost has enough fertilisers in it for about 10 weeks so you dont need to feed at all...
Its like giving a baby a Roast Dinner to eat!!!
It cant get its teeth into it!
Just like the tender young tiny root hairs cant absorb very much food from the soil and can get "burnt" by too many nutrients...

I would wait now, dont give any more foodmfor quite a while... Nurse the little blighter through the next few weeks, watering with tepid water so not to shock the wee thing anymore...
Oh and back off with the lights just a bit... I cant see what bulbs they are but even normal house lights get too hot for placing your wee babies under!!!

Hope that helps some

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
At 1 month old it is showing serious signs of stress, in all likelihood it is drowning and the soilless mix you are using is complicating matters. With a first grow I would simply find a quality potting soil such as Fox Farms (light warrior is great for seedlings), Pro-mix or Happy Frog. Transplant your seedling(s) to a small. 16-20 oz. container with several holes in the bottom for good drainage. Watering should be very light for at least the first 2-3 weeks. If the seedlings survive transplant-shock you can upgrade to the final container size. Yes, large containers can yield large, productive plants but they can also cause the most common problem to new growers..overwatering. 2nd in line is overfertilization. You should steer clear of any fertilizers for at least the first 3-4 weeks. After that, weak solutions can be gradually ramped up as the plant grows and develops a healthy root sytem. Read the stickies in the newb forum as much as possible.


Active Member
Also judging from that pic it looks like you are watering it way too much!! No aeration...need to let that soil compost mix get dry to touch before watering again...and lightly...
Next try Sunshine Advanced Mix #4 FTW...good air to water mix in hardly any Nutes so you can control the tempo on that!
3 weeks she is trying so hard to make it!!


Active Member
Also Transplanting will most likely kill the baby at this point...leave it be at the moment!


Active Member
Thanks guys, I will wait this week to see what will happen and try to revive my baby..
I'll keep you updated :)


Active Member
Its going to take a more time than just a couple days for that lil one to recover, you seem to have gave it quite a shock. lol
Don't worry they'll pull through just be patient, aslo on a side note, your soil looks SUPER WET, you could back off the watering a bit. a good rule of thumb is to take a finger and stick it in the soil when it looks dry, if you feel moisture and inch or 2 down, its still fine. if its dry then water.

Happy growing :)


Active Member
is this bagseed or somthing you need to keep ? tbh .. if it's just bag seed , I would start over from here ... a fresh seed done correctly will be at least 6 inches tall before this poor thing comes out of the stunting it surely has . If this something you need to keep ... put some holes in the bottom of those containers ( if there is none ) and let that youngun dry up .. you will still have too hot of a medium though ... so after a dry out guess what - yep - you will have to flush it .. then let it dry out again ....maby even repeat . I would suggest getting into the forum and do some homework for starters - maby start another one then to get you going while you try to save these .... good luck ... do your homework grasshopper ....



Well-Known Member
looks like to much watering.u should only be watering every 4days'ish.also u reccomend going out and bying a propigation mix"soil" and transplanting asap i dont like the look of the soil to me it looks like just fine wood chips.


Well-Known Member
that plant has no hope. if you can, start over in a more friendly medium like said above. if not, you may have to wait very long till it recovers, and i seriously doubt that it will.


Well-Known Member
I think I would go with a whole new set-up:lol:Whats your dirt lights and watering schedule it is questionable if this is 3 weeks of growth its looks like 3 days of my growth:clap:


Active Member
Game Over :sad: Two of them are dead. and still have one without any change.. so i think the problem was in the soil. I want to change it and try to plant again. Thx for all of you guys for helping and giving me more experience and knowledge about planting
PEACE :leaf: