Help need advice plant light green!!


Active Member
Hey peeps i was wondering if i could get some advice for my girls before anything bad happens.

I been feeding them bio grow and ther just over a month old but starting to yellow i feed them every 3 days but had a couple problems with burning so i did flush for a week which gave them life.
I dont know much first time but could someone have a look and give some good advice (not making me worry too much).
Ive recently had a problem with gnats which im tring to eradicate now by using gnat off but the yellowing started before use.

I spray them everyday.

Temperatures 22-25
humidity 56% ish.

Many thanks for any advice

The Garden Shed

Well-Known Member
if using soil get them out of the tray. never let them sit in standing water. If using a non-absorbing medium, use a drip or lift the pots above the water and let the roots reach for it. make sure you oxygenate the water with stones or h2o2. flod and drain 4-5 times daily. use of a pump is easiest.


Well-Known Member
you need to water about every 3 days and feed every third watering. that should stop your nute problem


Active Member
thanks guys... so water every three and every third feed....

i dont leave it inn there the water usuallky soaks up in a few hours or less..

sometimes i water on the second day is that ok?


Well-Known Member
Water only when the soil is completely dry. I water every 5 or 6 days. You have fungus gnats because your soil is sontinually moist, if you let it dry the gnats will dissappear. The roots need oxygen as much as they need water.


Well-Known Member
the best way to water is to learn to tell when they need it, not by any schedule. the amount of water they use changes as they grow. test the soil with your finger two knuckles into the soil. if its wet and clumpy, don't water. if its dry, water until water flows out of the drainage holes. typically this is about three days.


Well-Known Member
desertrat is right on. You should only water your plants when they need watering. They definately look like they are in some distress. You want your plants roots to go looking for water, and when the dirt gets a little dry, that's what they do. The bigger the root system, the bigger the plant and its buds. Also, I think you're feeding them too often, and I would put them in some bigger pots. After the dirt dries out and you go to water them again, try adding some Hydrogen Peroxide to the water. It will help if there is any root rot and it will put some extra oxygen into the soil. Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Water when you lift of the pot and it feels real light almost like its filled with styrofoam, do not water on a schedule because depending on how much root mass/how much transpiration/etc it could be a week or it could be <1 day they need water.

Also go to the store and buy some perlite and when you transplant them to bigger pots mix a bunch of perlite into the soil before you transplant them. believe it or not even those they are underground Roots need to get air, if you have dense soil that like and keep it wet it packs around the roots and your plant essentially suffocates. So if you water when the soil is completely dry then they have time to get some air since the dry soil allows some air in. Also when you mix in an inert substance like perlite it creates little pockets of air, this also helps. Its like if you are in a swimming pool and someone filled it with those balls you jump into like at chuck e cheese :), then no problem if you go under them you can still breathe. Now if someone took fine grains of sand and you were under those, you'd die from no O2. Same thing for stuff like perlite, since the soil cant pack around it you get more O2 to the roots.