Help!!!! Need options


Well-Known Member
i am 4 weeks into flowering and the plants have finally reached the light. i can move it no higher and i was wondering if any of you have and idea on how i can keep them from burning themselves. i was thinking LST the main stalk just alittle bit to one side. anyone else have any ideas?


Well-Known Member
will it hurt the plant to do this while flowering, i think it would considering the bud sites have already formed.... any know the answer to that?


Well-Known Member
????? um pretty sure i need the hps to stay in there, but thanks for tryin to help. no room to the sides either it is like a jungle.


Well-Known Member
will it hurt the plant to do this while flowering, i think it would considering the bud sites have already formed.... any know the answer to that?
you can tie down the stem horizontal the buds will twist back up towards the light in a matter of HOURS.


Active Member
what up? I have 8 plants 6 weeks into veg, growing in dirt. I noticed one of them is begining to sex...its only 16 inches tall but it has these huge white pistils that developed over night....the lights are on 24/7 using 6 2 foot flo (4 grow cool spectrum 2 day light warm spectrum) the temp ranges from 79 - 84 and the humidity ranges from 41%-45%

any ideas if I should move her to my flowering room or keep her vegging for another 2 weeks???


Well-Known Member
THREAD JACKER!!!!!!!!!!! u probably are just seeing things, check again it might just be new growth. or it could be an auto flowering strain, which i doubt. but if it keeps shootin out hairs leave in in there the auto flowering strains can do light 24/7