
soo basicaly i have a 4ft outdoor plant thats been in flowering for about 7 weeks and it has about 7 colas most of the hairs are white yellowish and 40% of them are red . my problem is that my mom found my plant one day she was out in the backyadr(i have a huge one) and saw it and freaked out. i have to cut it but it aint ready and i cant move it because shes on the ground. i cant talk my self out of this. so what can i do bout the plant will it be ruined?


Well-Known Member
What's the issue? Just harvest it. Yea it won't be finished but at least you'll get something out of it.


Well-Known Member
You could move it if you had somewhere to take it. Harvesting seems like a waste unless you're a hash maker. I doubt Mom is into that either though.

It was a colossal dick move growing it outside of her home. You could get her in a lot of trouble.


i live by a forest travis its not her house its mine i live alone right now,now that im in college but shes paying half my college expenses. the issue is that if dont cut it by this weekend she will no longer pay my tuition.


Well-Known Member
"fuck you maaa, , IM over 18 you cant tell me what to do!!!", "maa, this is how I can handle living with you", "mom, mama, mum, mum mum mummumma its just a little smokey smokey". Any of those will work. PLus its time to sit her down and tell her all about weed


Well-Known Member
I'll leave the parenting to these guys. The personnel crap aside, you'd probably get the most out of it by making oil if its pretty premature still. Good luck with your situation.


Well-Known Member
Or just get a big 20gallon pot or 10 gallon whatever you can and dig it out stick it in the pot and see if it lives. Your going to cut it anyways so try to save it first.