Help, need to maximise yield on small


New Member
About a week into flowering and my plants aren't getting the height I'd like because of the cold I think......bout 13-14 inches and very well developed branch system. Like a huge plant just shrunk.. Anything I could do


Well-Known Member
post some pics

they will continue to stretch for another 2-3 weeks they could grow another 1-2 ft in this time

not much you can do really, you could put them back on a veg cycle, but this will delay things for about 3-4 weeks

how long did you veg them
are they indica ?

is all your space filled ?
you could start some more plants now and get them in the flower room asap along side what you have now, and do a perpetual kind of thing have 2 harvest a month or so apart, that would help you get more yield in the quickest time frame


Marty Wanna

Active Member
hmmm... seems a lil tiny. Is this a stealth grow?

They'll stretch out during budding probably twice as high. What are you using for nutes?