Help needed.. A tale of two plants


Well-Known Member
Ok, heres the situation...
my parents went away for a weeks vacation, and they left the keys to the brand new porsche..
ok just kidding i wish that was the situation.

i have 2 plants going, about a week since sprouting. one seed was from some good mexican herb i had a few years ago, and one is from some not that great skunk i had a month ago.
one of my plants is doing fine, the other, not so fine.

what i have here is a plant that looks pretty bad. i am a newb at this so i dont know much, but i have searched through this section and elsewhere for information but haven't come up with any leads yet. so i need help! here is the history of the sick plant i will try and make it as brief as possible:

I had some really crappy soil which i tried to grow with at first (see my thread on earthgro potting soil) but it severely trapped the germed seeds that i planted in it. this plant was the only one that managed to rear its head out of the crap soil a bit, but it was stunted and obviously not growing right. i finally got some Fox Farms OF and transplanted it, about a day or two after it popped out of my crappy soil. when i transplanted it i was as careful as i could be but i think i initially buried it too deep, something which as you can see i have tried to rectify by gently scraping away some dirt from the stem. at first the plant grew alright, grew its first two leaves pretty ok, but its been downhill for the last 3-4 days, the leaves really sagging and now looking a little yellowish on the top edges.

i water every 3-4 days, but i thought it still may look overwatered. its been 4 days since last watering.

here are the pics, with my one healthy plant in there for comparison.
also note that the healthy plant which is the mexican herb started its life in the FFOF so i know that has a lot to do with its health.

any help is greatly appreciated!



Well-Known Member
whoops forgot that info:
those are 18oz solo cups and i put about 6 or 7 drainage holes in the bottom. the plants are under Five 18 watt 5800k cfls, which i know isnt much but i thought that should be plenty for where these two seedlings are at. lights are 1-2 inches from the plants. when the plant (shaquanda) first started going downhill i raised the light that was directly above her another inch thinking that it was maybe too close, but i lowered back down to about 1.5 inches when she continued getting worse.


Well-Known Member
today she still looks bad, still growing but pretty slowly. the plant i have next to it has already grown another inch horizontally and branched its node out in 1 day.


Well-Known Member
I seem to having the same problem with 1 of my 5 I'm going to buy a camera today so i can post about it. Bump for the experts!


Well-Known Member
my sick baby is coming back, but she is still growing so slowly. It seems like there is a little yellowing on the very tip of the leaves. im gonna see if i can get some batteries for my camera here right quick and get some pictures of my Three plants i now have going.


Well-Known Member
Alrighty here is the sick plant, and then a picture of my other plant that was actually sprouted a day or two after the sick one, then an overall shot for scale hopefully. she is still growing so slow compared to the big one in there.

the third plant in the picture i just sprouted, it is possibly some skunk i had a few months ago that my friend called Afghany, all i know is the plants first leaves coming out look all fluffy and exotic, and its really dark green. maybe ill make another thread about that one to possibly ID its strain.

