HELP needed ASAP


Well-Known Member
why give folks bad advice rob, problems from these type of chemicals don't happen over night, in ten years get back to us.


Well-Known Member
Dude all indoor gardening is a learning curve,no matter how experianced some growers make out there is still a lot to learn.My advice to you would be if the stuff you have sprayed your plants with says it is ok to consume after a certain amount of time then jar it up but leave the lid open.Then it should be ok to smoke.But i don't know the full facts on this kind of spary so be very wary,we once got some herb of a little dick head and when we had smoked it we all got white spot,when looking at the weed closer we all noticed it had mould deep in the core of it.When you have a problem with something like spider mites use a natural controler like lady birds or lady bugs.You can get these from hydroponic shops always have them in the room and on your plants these will munch there way through all kinds of herb eaters and destroyers.Spidermites are one of the most hardest of critters there is i once sprayed neat gin on some for a period of about 2 week,and all it did was make them want a kebab.stick to there natural enermies and you should be fine................................tyke.................................................


Active Member
why give folks bad advice rob, problems from these type of chemicals don't happen over night, in ten years get back to us.
Im not giving people bad just following up the thread to let people know that i did smoke it and it had no bad effects.
I dont know if you read the whole thread or just the last few pages. It was discussed at depth and i looked at all the available information...which showed this stuff isnt harmful when burned and in the tiny amounts.

Im sure i have smoked far worse than this...and if you have any bought any then you cant say what you have smoked you have probably smoked some real nasty chemicals too.
Mass produced weed is bound to be messed about with because its all to do with money...not peoples health. many people have smoked weed laced with sylicon or glass and not known??

When i first started smoking i was smoking that soap bar....that is WAY more harmful than any chemical i could buy. Its full of metal fillings, plastic, heroin, tar, diesel just to name a few things!

So please....dont make out im a bad guy telling people to spray their plants with this just pointing out the facts here...and the facts are...its not harmful if used in such small quantities like i used.

Bad advice would be to say use this over any other product...which im not saying. Im just saying...if you did use this dont worry too the time its dried and cured 99.99% of the stuff is gone...and the other 0.01% is netralized by the heat of it burning.