HELP NEEDED - Grow Room Design Ideas


Well-Known Member
Oh sure, I pull charts and info of yours for spacing the HID system, and your breakers to W for the lines to run. All from tombs of info of yours I've read.
Then laid the groundwork to exhaust.
You have Styrofoam panels to add?

Just had to laugh when I saw it.:leaf:


New Member
Oh sure, I pull charts and info of yours for spacing the HID system, and your breakers to W for the lines to run. All from tombs of info of yours I've read.
Then laid the groundwork to exhaust.
You have Styrofoam panels to add?

Just had to laugh when I saw it.:leaf:
huh? im confused at what you are saying here ?


Well-Known Member
huh? im confused at what you are saying here ?
Just joking with IAm5toned. I've seen wiring diagrams from him, & followed his advice for over a year. Re-look at my posts, & you will see a few are from him. He does some real complicated & master lighting designs. I just laughed when that was his addition to this one. Guess I didn't say anything needing correction.
I gave you what Breakers are needed once you calculate Amps or Watts, and possible exhaust system. Where's pics and an update?


New Member
Yupp i told him that too in a private message, i definitely give +rep and props to both of you guys. I ran outa project money and my last bit is going into adding the electrical so i will start building this summer and have more pics and stuff. BUT i always update the 3D ya know lol.



Well-Known Member
That exhaust system doesn't make sense to me. Also that isn't the best way to have 4 hoods. Could you slow the video next time. Seemed like it flew by, so I kept re-watching. Pretty medicated, but damn that's fast.


New Member
Okay i did have the hoods arranged in a square the first time but i changed it, how would you arrange them? Also the rooms will be sealed with pocket doors remember so the i can pull air from outside or i can pull it from the ambient air in the basement, i decided on the latter b/c the basement has 2 other windows that i can bring air in through.

take as long as you like in this 3D walkthrough


New Member
Okay here ya go.. plus i JUST realized last night as i was falling asleep why that exhaust setup is stupid.. i was taking in fresh air from the room and push/pulling it out but i was not introducing any new air into the grow chambers directly. i will fix that. I put in the 2 other windows just in case it inspired a better ventilation idea in you. in these photos i am assuming that i will bring fresh air in through 6in holes in the walls of the rooms at the floor level, since the basement stays rather cool and is large. but if need be i can run ducting from one of the other windows, i just dont want to mess with the large center window b/c it allows me to get large stuff into the basement easily without going through the house.



Well-Known Member
Here's some ideas.
If it makes sense. I think a real wall is good, for just that one. If hoods are like the right ones you could add 2 later or double it. I'll goof with it later, but ask away.


New Member
Good Deal, i can pull that off easily, the stud walls i put there just to show you what will be there in the future. the wall furthest to the left will end up being a real wall i think, i dont want to get into that b/c it will cause more confusion but i am trying to not make it hard later on when i want to properly finish the basement. Also i dont know if you can see the wood panels on the wall that say Power Panel, that is where i plan to mount all ballast and timers and things. but at this point i think i will hold out bugging you until i get some real progress done and some video of it uploaded. thanks again. you have helped me millions!
That's the great part of CMH's they are good for both veg & flower. Biggest is 400W but I would use 2 or 3 vs. a 1000W.
6'10" is enough room so I wouldn't worry about that. Pocket doors work good for entry too when building walls in grow rooms.
Here's the spectrum chart for a CMH.
I'm totally agree with you man.You'r 100% good.I also would use 2 or 3 vs. a 1000W.And pocket doors work good for entry too when building walls in grow rooms.


Well-Known Member
I would traide my 1000 for 2 600w now. But it's to late this time but maybe when I change the room up next time. Same power better lums and lower heat. Plus I like the idea of having 3000w in my flower room.