help needed . leaves fell off

Hi . Help plz . My 3 afgahn r in to the 5th week of flowering . And the plants look in a bad way . There r a few good buds but all the leaves have fell off the plants its just the buds and branch . I have just flushed them today . Want to no wot to next ? . I was thinking a 1/4 strength veg nuites . For sum nitrogen . And same strength bloom . For about a week then up the bloom . Any ideas most welcome . Thanks


Well-Known Member
So week 5 of flowering an indica is pretty far on to start giving it veg nutes. Normally lowers leaves will start to go around week 5, perhaps there is enough energy in the plant to get it through. Did this happen after the flush? Do you have sugar leaves on the buds? I would just try and get those buds fattened up best you can as most indicas should be ready around 8-9 weeks.
Ye the leaves on the bud have got a good bit crystal on them . And no this has been getting worst . So I thought I would flush . And try. And build . The nuties bk up . So do u think . Just try and start getting . It bk up to full strength. Bloom and leave the veg. What's the worst case . ? Cut the plant early ?