HELP NEEDED led lamps (not ufo)


Well-Known Member
green spectrum is bad, plants dont absorb that area of the color spectrum at all. it bounces right back off. You can actually have a green halogen or cfl light running during the dark period of flowering if you would need to and you'd be perfectly fine, it wouldnt fuck up their dark cycle. I dont like distrubing the dark period but ive had times where i really didnt have a choice, the green light has never failed me.
I've done the same with a regular 60 watt incandescent as well. Certain spectrums of light the plant just doesn't "see" so it doesn't "wake up". That's why only a few different types of light sources work for vegging & flowering & reinventing the wheel really isn't feasible...


Well-Known Member
yep.. if i were to go led i wouldnt get a ufo. theres a fair few dudes on youtube with builds of 300w led lights ect..

that website was in reference to the graph. the light spectrums plants react to.the huuuuge drop in photosynthesis in the green .

the new wheel might be plasma possibly??


Well-Known Member
a regular incandescent bulb will disrupt the dark period, youve gotten lucky up to this point i guess. Leds are getting better and more cost efficient quite quickly, innovation is a good thing. I think its great they are all trying to upgrade things and make them better and all that, their have been many innovations in the home indoor garden markets that we take for granted today and many more to come in the future. It's ok, dont be afraid of change, embrace it, our growing systems shouldnt be left behind in the past while all our other technologies advance and innovate and get better.


Well-Known Member
^^Right? 15 light sources still won't have the penetration of a single light source of equal wattage.


Well-Known Member
hahah! yer not so serious after the wattage was dropped.. 2000w is a little hard to manage 4 a uni student.. living off mi goreng noodles already :P

a mix of 15 20/42 w cfls will be whats going on .. fuking ebay..

i like these

but again, i only bought those first lights because they were cheap as