Help needed male flowers?


There are many of you with much more knowledge than me please respond, I'm not sure if the branch should look like this? (see pict's)
I sprayed a branch of my female Pineapple Express Auto with GA3 a week before flowering started to induce male flowers on it. The plant is now a week or two from harvest.
Are these male flowers or did it go hermie on me?

Thanks to All in advance for the help........ & pass the joint.



WHAT ARE YOU INSUINATING? I only asked for a response from those who know what they are talking about. I see that you have been here in the fourm since Janurary of this year, and have 358 post already... How many LAME answers do you give a day to get to this number? I would guess 2 to 3 per day.....


bud bootlegger
ok, i'll answer, but it seems like you're kind of confused a lil bit op, no offense..

yes, they are full on male flowers you got there, and it looks like you also have some female flowers below them as well.. this would qualify as a hermie in my book...
but saying that, what did you think would happen by spraying it with gilbrelic acid?? exactly what heppened is what happens when you use ga on a plant..
some breeders will use ga or a few other chems on plants in order to get male flowers from an other wise female plant.. they then take the male pollen produced from same plant on a different female plant in order to get fem'ed seeds.. i don't know if this is what you were going for or what, but that's what has happened in this case..


FLOWER 45.jpgFLOWER 43.jpgFLOWER 49.jpg

Thanks for your reply. Although I have read up on the process, I’m not completely clear on the whole thing of spraying with the gibberellic acid. Yes, I was attempting to induce flowers on my female to pollinate my other females with.
Do you have any suggestions as to where I can find additional information specifically for the changing sex of female flowers (branch) to pollinate and produce female seeds, with chemicals or otherwise.
Just a little less confused :clap:

(Additional & clearer pictures included)


bud bootlegger
i'll look around for some more info m8.. i know there was a thread on here on making fem'ed seeds using cs, so the process is probably very similar even if the chems are different..


New Member
ok, i'll answer, but it seems like you're kind of confused a lil bit op, no offense..

yes, they are full on male flowers you got there, and it looks like you also have some female flowers below them as well.. this would qualify as a hermie in my book...
but saying that, what did you think would happen by spraying it with gilbrelic acid?? exactly what heppened is what happens when you use ga on a plant..
some breeders will use ga or a few other chems on plants in order to get male flowers from an other wise female plant.. they then take the male pollen produced from same plant on a different female plant in order to get fem'ed seeds.. i don't know if this is what you were going for or what, but that's what has happened in this case..
I was gonna say male, but then looking at the better pictures, it looks like a bunch of calyxes and not sacs. I only say that because I had a Neville's Haze runt that pulled a Dr. Grinspoon on me, and ended up looking all fucked up like his plant.


Active Member
started my grow a couple weeks ago, indica strain, cfl's 16800 lumens, been using molasses, super thrive, and worm casting tea. Have some pics here from a couple days ago until now, any suggestions are appreciated.more


Well-Known Member
started my grow a couple weeks ago, sativa strain, cfl's 16800 lumens, been using molasses, super thrive, and worm casting tea. Have some pics here from a couple days ago until now, any suggestions are appreciated.more
they look keep doing what your doing


Active Member
how many days did you spary GA3 on it from what i remember reading you need to use a high dose for about a week to get male parts out of a female


To answer the last question, the GA3 was sprayed on the branch twice, three days apart, a week before flowering started. I know now that I screwed it up.
The next time I will use Colloidal Silver hopefully with better results.
Thanks to everyone who responded and a BIG THANKS to racerboy71 & DSB65 for their time, replies, responses and link
Producing Feminised Seeds Using Colloidal Silver

The link and article are the Bomb, so much good information, I do not know how I missed it earlier thanks for sharing.

Problem Solved Questions Answered


Active Member
last pics wasn't that nice, here are some new photosthe first photo was took 22 of april, the next 3 today's photos from the better camera, they grow up so fast....enjoy and comment