help needed plant regenerate

hi iv never rengenerated a plant b4 and would like to no how to do it and if it will produce the same yield as the plant b4 plz get back thanks:peace:


Well-Known Member
Remove the top 2/3 of the plant when you harvest, and make sure you leave some popcorn buds on the lower branches, because that's where the new growth will sprout. Then, throw it back in veg, and wait for the magic to

I'm not sure about yield. I guess that depends on how long you veg it.
ok thanks iv read that you need to keep the plants in 24/0 lite its that true or can i keep it in 18/6 and if a have to keep it in 24/0 how long do i have to leve it till i can put it to 18/6


Well-Known Member
You don't have to go to 24/0, but it'd probably help they revert a little faster than 18/6.(a few days) If you go with 24/0, I'd switch back to 18/6 as soon as you see new veg growth starting. Hard to describe what to look for, but I think you'll be able to tell when they've started vegging again, 'cause new growth/foliage will be sprouting from the budsites, the buds themselves, rather than the buds just filling out as they would in bloom. Or, you could just keep them vegging on 24/0. It's your choice, but all of them will work.
ok thanks il try the 24/0 till i see that there growing new stems then il put them to 18/6 wen thay start to grow il be doing it on friday il post some pics and if you dot mind could you tell me if thay look ok or if iv dun it worng thanks agen


Well-Known Member
No problem man. I can't guarantee that I'll be around Friday, been pretty busy lately, but if I am, I'll be sure to check 'em out. Also, it's almost impossible to fuck 'em up. As long as you leave budsites, they'll re-veg. :)