Help Needed (please). Yellow/Brown (pics inside)


Well-Known Member
All going on 4 weeks old. All were started in rockwool starter cubes. They were just moved to these cups 2 days ago. I also added the first small dose of nutes when I put them into the cups. Fox Farms called for 2 tablespoons per gallon of water. I used 1 teapspoon!

Not all of my plants but a few of them have small yellow tips. The pics below tell it better then I do

I also put a few pics of my healthy plants...i checked ph and that is fine..temps are defintely fine 73 right now, and peaked at the hottest ever @ 78 today

2 very healthy looking plants from the same batch...that got the same dose of nutes/water/etc

I'm no expert, but I guess it's nutrient defficiency. Like I stated above I just added my first very very very small dose. As I planned on gradually introducing the nutes to the plants as recommended by most people. The bottom leaves are yellow as you can see the pics. which i was told was a sign that the plants need nutes.

I just want to know before I do anything. Should I just use regular water next time? Or should I continue with another dose of water/nutes next time?

BTW I know they are very small for the age. I was stupid and should have moved them into soil weeks ago. I just didn't know better. They have grown a lot in the 2 days they've been in these cup. Next week with my cabinet finished and 10x the lumens I have now Im hoping they will take off =]


Well-Known Member
the tips could be going yellow because you ran out of root space. I would keep the nutes on a low dose and add some superthrive or supervit or something similar.
you'll run out of room in those cups in two weeks...


Well-Known Member
the tips could be going yellow because you ran out of root space. I would keep the nutes on a low dose and add some superthrive or supervit or something similar.
you'll run out of room in those cups in two weeks...

I just put them in there 2 days ago. I had one not looking so well so I peaked around a bit and it seemed the roots still had plenty of room to grow.

anyone else? I just dont want to ruin these =[....ill finish my cabinet this weekend and was hoping to get these in there and rocking...dont want to ruin all the work i put into um =O


Well-Known Member
well i need to know more information, what type of lights are you using?

what brand nutes are you using? What is the first week dosage call for?

how long ago did the first set of leaves appear? not the oval shaped leaves, the true leaves.

what ype of water are you using?

what are you temps in your grow area?

from the pics, it seems like you have one to two nodes per plant, it looks good so far, the leaves aren't going to be the right color green just yet, but they look good, but the way you have things set up could be making the plants show early signs of deficiency or toxicity....sometimes toxicity causes other nute deficiency, but never vise versa...

i remember that the leafs curling downward means something, but not off the top of my head, i'll have to wait until later when i have access to my medicine bible...let me know the above properties i asked about, maybe i can help you with something now


Well-Known Member
well i need to know more information, what type of lights are you using?

what brand nutes are you using? What is the first week dosage call for?

how long ago did the first set of leaves appear? not the oval shaped leaves, the true leaves.

what ype of water are you using?

what are you temps in your grow area?

from the pics, it seems like you have one to two nodes per plant, it looks good so far, the leaves aren't going to be the right color green just yet, but they look good, but the way you have things set up could be making the plants show early signs of deficiency or toxicity....sometimes toxicity causes other nute deficiency, but never vise versa...

i remember that the leafs curling downward means something, but not off the top of my head, i'll have to wait until later when i have access to my medicine bible...let me know the above properties i asked about, maybe i can help you with something now
using some shitty 4,000 lumens t5's atm nutes - fox farms (big bloom) leaves - not sure tap water through brita filter (ph 6.5) temps - 72-78


Well-Known Member
using some shitty 4,000 lumens t5's atm nutes - fox farms (big bloom) leaves - not sure tap water through brita filter (ph 6.5) temps - 72-78

well bro we have a ocuple problems, that brita filter, although better than tap water, is horrible, its killing you, definitly probably causing nute lockout. The best thing to do first is buy a TDS meter, is will measure how many PPM your water is.

Nutes dosage recommendations are based on 0-20ppm, the lower ppm, the better. PPM means parts per million, this is in reffernece to how many particles there are per million parts of water molecules there are, obviously the smaller the number the better quality water.

Buy a reverse osmosis sytem, hook it up in the bath tub if you buy tyhis one because it leaks(AQUA-SAFE AQUARIUM II REVERSE OSMOSIS WATER FILTER - eBay (item 160288466735 end time Oct-05-08 09:00:00 PDT)), bu i recommend this one( 700 GPD Tankless GE Merlin Reverse Osmosis Water Filter - eBay (item 270277122644 end time Oct-17-08 10:57:21 PDT))

the second one will make your water faster (700GPD- gallons per day) the first one is only 100 gallons per d, do that math

24 hours in a day divide 700 by that, thats 29 gallons per hour or one half gallon per minute, so it will only take you 10 minutes to get 5 gallons of pure or at least very low PPM water, which your plants will praise you for

on the other hand, the first system stated works jsut as well when it comes to lowering the ppm, yet it is way slower, lets do math again

100gpd divided by 24 hours in a day is 4 gallons an hour, takes a long time to get five see the picture


how many T5's do you have? what are their lengths? 24" 48"?? what is the brand? i hope you are using daylight bulbs!

NUTES, you should only be using 1/4 strength nutes the first week after true leafes show, then next watering CYCLE use 1/2, then 3/ this means as follows

fox farm says 1st week - 1 tsp use 1/4 of that
" 2nd week - 2 tsp use 1/2 of that
" 3rd week - 3 tsp use 3/4 of that
and so on until you are full strength

now this will not always apply, you must pay attention to your plant, different strands require different dosage, the first nutrient that will be deficient if the plant is not getting enough nutes will be Nitrogen, therefore your oldest (bottom leaves) will show signs first of yellowing. hnow don't wait till they actually turn yellow, yellowing means a mixture of the natural green and yellow, therefore it will first be a lime color. And it will be the whole of the bottoms leaves, not the sides of the leaves or spots, it will entirely start to yellow.

unhealthy leaves due to N deficiency - Lime
healthy - Rich green
too much - darK green

burnt tips norally mean it is too hot and slight nute burn, mostly heat, nute burn reflects the leaves starting to curl downward

what i would recommend is to start out at week 1 dosage as stated above

make sure the ph of the solution you use is 5.8, also when you are mixing nutes, do not mix nutes together, mix nutes one by one into the water, so if you are using three diff type of nutes, put one in water then stir well, put other in water and stir well, so on and so on.......

im here to assist


Well-Known Member
well bro we have a ocuple problems, that brita filter, although better than tap water, is horrible, its killing you, definitly probably causing nute lockout. The best thing to do first is buy a TDS meter, is will measure how many PPM your water is.

Nutes dosage recommendations are based on 0-20ppm, the lower ppm, the better. PPM means parts per million, this is in reffernece to how many particles there are per million parts of water molecules there are, obviously the smaller the number the better quality water.

Buy a reverse osmosis sytem, hook it up in the bath tub if you buy tyhis one because it leaks(AQUA-SAFE AQUARIUM II REVERSE OSMOSIS WATER FILTER - eBay (item 160288466735 end time Oct-05-08 09:00:00 PDT)), bu i recommend this one( 700 GPD Tankless GE Merlin Reverse Osmosis Water Filter - eBay (item 270277122644 end time Oct-17-08 10:57:21 PDT))

the second one will make your water faster (700GPD- gallons per day) the first one is only 100 gallons per d, do that math

24 hours in a day divide 700 by that, thats 29 gallons per hour or one half gallon per minute, so it will only take you 10 minutes to get 5 gallons of pure or at least very low PPM water, which your plants will praise you for

on the other hand, the first system stated works jsut as well when it comes to lowering the ppm, yet it is way slower, lets do math again

100gpd divided by 24 hours in a day is 4 gallons an hour, takes a long time to get five see the picture


how many T5's do you have? what are their lengths? 24" 48"?? what is the brand? i hope you are using daylight bulbs!

NUTES, you should only be using 1/4 strength nutes the first week after true leafes show, then next watering CYCLE use 1/2, then 3/ this means as follows

fox farm says 1st week - 1 tsp use 1/4 of that
" 2nd week - 2 tsp use 1/2 of that
" 3rd week - 3 tsp use 3/4 of that
and so on until you are full strength

now this will not always apply, you must pay attention to your plant, different strands require different dosage, the first nutrient that will be deficient if the plant is not getting enough nutes will be Nitrogen, therefore your oldest (bottom leaves) will show signs first of yellowing. hnow don't wait till they actually turn yellow, yellowing means a mixture of the natural green and yellow, therefore it will first be a lime color. And it will be the whole of the bottoms leaves, not the sides of the leaves or spots, it will entirely start to yellow.

unhealthy leaves due to N deficiency - Lime
healthy - Rich green
too much - darK green

burnt tips norally mean it is too hot and slight nute burn, mostly heat, nute burn reflects the leaves starting to curl downward

what i would recommend is to start out at week 1 dosage as stated above

make sure the ph of the solution you use is 5.8, also when you are mixing nutes, do not mix nutes together, mix nutes one by one into the water, so if you are using three diff type of nutes, put one in water then stir well, put other in water and stir well, so on and so on.......

im here to assist
I own a ph and tdm meter already After my water goes through the brita its 6.2 - 6.5 ph, and about 100 to 150ppm That is good enough water for plants im sure of. I just purchased some distilled water at the store during lunch. I plan on letting my plants finishing sucking up the water/nutes i gave them...i will then use the distilled water for my plants over the next week. this weekend ill be moving them into my cabinet with 30,000 lumens of t5's Three of these lights High Tech Garden Supply I think the problem is i started in rockwool. They were in just rockwool for 3 weeks with no nutes. I then moved them into soil with the dixie cups and gave them a small dose of nutes because they needed to be watered...i should have realized the fox farms ocean forest soil i put them in is high quality and has all the nutrients my plants need right now... i will try no nutes for a week see how it goes...once they get to 8" im flowering anyways....will hopefully not need nutes till then


Well-Known Member
this is true, most soils alraedy have nutes in them, i do believe there is a fox farm soil that you do not need to put any nutes in them for 3 months, just water, but thats not until you put it into the big soil pot, little cups won't need any nutes tho, just water

distelled water still has hard metals in them, iron is one of these metals, too much iron can be harmful, but if your plants seem to hand the 100-150ppm water well, then stick with it

one last thing, during flowering, please remember to use nute supplement with high phosphorous, this is what makes the crystals and thick dense first grow i didn't have enough and my buds were not as dense as they could have been with a bit more P


Well-Known Member
Is the roskwool buried in that cup? Do you water from the top? Are there holes in the bottom of the cups for drainge? Too much water will cause root rot in the rockwool. Learned this from alb-fuct. Because the rockwool is like a sponge it can only absorb so much if you don't have drainage yor drowning your plants.


Well-Known Member
Is the roskwool buried in that cup? Do you water from the top? Are there holes in the bottom of the cups for drainge? Too much water will cause root rot in the rockwool. Learned this from alb-fuct. Because the rockwool is like a sponge it can only absorb so much if you don't have drainage yor drowning your plants.

bingo, the trick is to dip half the rockwool is 5.5 water while your seeds are still sprouts, then when they develop true leaves, put it in growing medium (soil or hydro) then go 1/4 nutes, or if using foxfarm soil, just use water


Well-Known Member
I would feed from the bottom then if that rockwool istill in the cup let your soil dry out to where is almost dry before you feed again. no more nutes for a couple weeks. that what I think. I had the same problem with my plants I have adwc bubler and some of myleaves got that black spot I really believe it was my water temp that caused it. roots were way to cold. plus lack of nutes I think I don't know but everything is fine now.


Well-Known Member
I would feed from the bottom then if that rockwool istill in the cup let your soil dry out to where is almost dry before you feed again. no more nutes for a couple weeks. that what I think. I had the same problem with my plants I have adwc bubler and some of myleaves got that black spot I really believe it was my water temp that caused it. roots were way to cold. plus lack of nutes I think I don't know but everything is fine now.
I have been using cold water =O the one downfall of the brita filter is it stays in the fridge. im going to just purchase gallons of distilled water frmo here on out..they are only $1 each. i will use these for all my nutes/water/etc. and just leave them at room temperature will keep everyone posted ty for input


Well-Known Member
RO water is best, distalled is just killing bacteria and viruses

the purpose of using RO water is to take out metals and chemicals, the things that really hurt your plants

your plants are not going to die if they come in contact with the cold virus, but they will if they get too much chlorine, or floride, or iron, distilled water has all these still in it


Well-Known Member
RO water is best, distalled is just killing bacteria and viruses

the purpose of using RO water is to take out metals and chemicals, the things that really hurt your plants

your plants are not going to die if they come in contact with the cold virus, but they will if they get too much chlorine, or floride, or iron, distilled water has all these still in it

What about my brita filter? Does it not remove those things?

Reverse Osmosis water has a ph of 7 at the aquarium store and sells for $2 a gallon.....

should i use the distilled water i bought? or continue with my brita filter water


Well-Known Member
What about my brita filter? Does it not remove those things?

Reverse Osmosis water has a ph of 7 at the aquarium store and sells for $2 a gallon.....

should i use the distilled water i bought? or continue with my brita filter water
This is the quality of water from least to greatest

tap, rain, brita type filter, under sink filter or kitchen top filter, boiled then cooled, distilled (vapor), Reverse Osmosis


Well-Known Member
just use some organic soil with distilled water from walmart until the fifth or sixth node.. then whatever npk ratio of fertilizer u use do 1/4 of their recomendation and work your amount to full amount over about three weeks


Well-Known Member
just use some organic soil with distilled water from walmart until the fifth or sixth node.. then whatever npk ratio of fertilizer u use do 1/4 of their recomendation and work your amount to full amount over about three weeks

Thank you sir! =D