
Active Member
Hello everyone,

Well I have a really bad issue here! I have 4 little beauties! 1 of which I was donated which has just gone mental! Anyway the summer here in the UK has been terrible!! so I'm suprised they have done as well as they have to be honest.

The issue im having right now is we can pretty much say bye bye to the sun now! and it's been raining like their is no tomorrow and windy as hell!!

The plants are out in the elements and to be honest I can't see them getting any better especially in this weather!!

The Pestles are only about 20 - 30% brown though so still rather young.

Do you think I should harvest? or keep them out and well take a beating by the elements lol.

Just so you know I can't move them or cover them for fear they will be spotted.

Thanks in advance guys!


Well-Known Member
harvest asap, the sunlight is too weak that far North now to have any affect if it ever does come back


Active Member
Thank you for that reply! I think I might bring one in tonight and get cracking! I guess I just needed some extra reasurance that harvesting now is a pretty cool thing to do considering the shitty UK weather we always get!

Thanks again!