Help needed with tea recipe!!!!!!

#1 I have been making my form of tea for decades.
#2 the molasses added to the tea substitute for the root excretions.
#3 We are dealing with chemistry here so fuck the tea. An oxide as in iron oxide is water soluble just leave a nail in water and watch it turn the water brown that brown shit is fucking iron dissolved in water you got that?
#4 Micronized means that the stuff that is put in tea is so fine it will float in air it is easily broken down by acids by microbes by oxygen by agitation by exposure to light by exposure to other minerals it's call chemistry look it up.
no shit?
making teas for decades huh?
and you are 26?

You just contradicted yourself several times. Re read your posts. All of them.

Maybe you should try making teas. While you make them take some horticulture classes. There lots of books on the subject. Any book by Dr. Elaine Ingham, Teaming With Microbes ,Marijuana Botany, there's tons of studies from the experimental botany dept at Oxford University . Rodale Institute , University of Missouri, Boston University.

How do roots secrete carbohydrates into an aact? With out compost or castings, or ferments you won't have any microbes in soil. The microbes in peat are not very diverse and there's very few of them.

Please look up the definition of soluble and insoluble. Soluble means dissolves in water. Any bone meal, kelp meal, green sand, dole lime, gypsum, basalt, glacial rock dusts, crab meal, shrimp meal, guanos, alfalfa meal, are not soluble. They just break down at different rates. If they were soluble you could use them in hydro. Plants in fact use.plenty of insoluble amendments once they're broken down by microbes.. Plants that are bio accumulators uptake every little thing in the soil.

Guano and cattle bone meal are frowned upon because of harmful pathogens they carry. Plus they make the smoke much harsher.

Maybe you shouldn't be googling shit while you reply. Learn first. Then discuss
just felt like "bumping" your VERY astute observation on this fella..