Help needed


Active Member
image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg hi was wondering if anyone has any idea as to what the problem is with my cuttings they were well rooted before transplant but seem to be really struggling only transplanted 2 days ago any help would be much appreciated thank


Active Member
A have gave them nutes when a transplanted them will I up the feed? And the white stuff is just a reflection m8 after a sprayed the with water


Well-Known Member
What light did they go under?
Major issues and i doubt they can be saved. Try again, no nutes for 2 weeks and dont re locate them from a small cfl to a blazing hid.


Active Member
Will do that next time buds a have 13 in so its only 5 that are struggling the other 8 are a lot better so will just wait and see what happens now a got them from a friend of a friend so not to sure what light they were under to start with :wall: