Help! Never seen this before !? *PICS*


Well-Known Member
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ok these pics are from yesterday - I dont know if its hard to make out but the main problem is the yellowing veins, new growth and dieing tips

The tips seem to be turning white its almost like heat burn except they are not crispy, they are just crinkled

The first 2 pics are of my seedling that was doing absolutely fine but now is drooping also and starting to yellow slightly.

At first i thought it was over watering, but ive been through 8 seedlings now and im starting to look into my water.

Does anybody know alot about hard water? My ph is 7.4 out of the tap - ppm 370 - after 24 hours of bubbling it rises to 8.5 - just sitting for 24 its very similar.

Ive been reading about hard water containing too many minerals and ive come to the conclusion mine my have to many anions or cations i cant remember but they are basically positively charged minerals which send your pH up as too many are retained in the medium etc.

This is the only thing thats got logic as i have ruled out everything else

Temps 70-82 / Humidity 40-70
21/3 light cycle - 300w LED - 32" Away
Verve Multipurpose Compost (already tested on seedlings at another house with different water supply works fine)
pH of water going in 6.5 - havent been able to test runoff as trying not to overwater but when i first got my pH tester my run off was very high in comparison so i can only imagine the run off is climbing high again

But yeah its crazy ive never seen a seedling with this level of nute lock purely because soil usually contains the basics for atleast 2 weeks -and simply a seedling doesnt get nute lock at this size unless growing in rockwool at an unstable ph with no nutes lol so i dont know WTF is going on

It has to be the hard water - ive done a little research - am i on to something here?
How can i chill? ive killed 8 babies !

And previously gone from never killing a seedling in my old area ever !

Im not nurturing them to death honestly thats why its so frustrating - something is poisoning them to death literally
ur soil is to hot,meaning,nute burn,little ones dont need hot soil,just give them water for a few feedings and they should clear up,and try not to over water eather,hope this helps
PH at5.7 if it is climbing like that, less light, cool, go 150 ppms for a bit, use cal mag to get that. I use distilled water in this situation.