HELP! Newbie with clone issues


I've been reading up and there seems to be multiple opinions on what to do with clones as you try to foster root growth.

I've read that some use very little light (like a flourescent more than 24" away) and a humidity dome, and some use multiple flourescents from 1-2 inches away. The clones are sagging over to the side and the weaker ones (2 blue dream) I re-cut and applied more rooting hormone, even the purple haze root seems to be sagging more after its exposure to 2 flourescents (1x T5 and 1x T8). Please help me bring these things back to life.

Photo on 7-10-12 at 12.49 PM.jpg


Well-Known Member
i have been growing for a couple years now and have taking plenty of clones with a very high success rate...i use rooting hormone, a dome, a heating mat and cfl's damn near touching the dome...within a couple of days u will begin to see roots... Remove the dome and they should be fine...


New Member
^ yes what he said

+ plus take those rooters out of that plastic holder.

+ trim back the leaves (cut in half) so there's less transpiration.

+ a dome/tray set up , tupperware upside down , chinese wonton containers = you need some type of dome that lets the light through & the humidty build

+ take cut no bigger than 6" and trim all but the top leaf set away.

+ no nutes just water & rooting hormone can use other stuff after mastering the basics (like roots excel , KLN, root66)


I recut the clones and redipped them in clonex. I also put my mini greenhouse over the plants and moved the light to about 3 feet away from the top of it the clones sprung up considerably in the last 4 hours after doing that. the only thing that has gotten worse was the purple haze, which was the one that started out the strongest. Is it coincidental that it is the one with the most leaves below the top? I didn't want to trim it because it looks so tall and skinny already.


Well-Known Member
ok here you go
build an ez cloner.
ive only lost one clone ever and it was from me pinching it between the neoprene insert instead of getting it in the middle.
there all over youtube how to build them.
they are sold for like 300+ dollars but you can build them for under 100
no domes, no spraying, just cut your clone and immediately put in the cut end either in water or your clonex. i usually just go right into clonex unless im doin all at once and then i use a wide bowl of water and start cutting a setting the cut end in water. then depending on how your growing you have to choose if your goin to use some sort of cube or something to put the clone in that it will root into like rapid rooters. ive used those and have also used nothing. both have worked great.
build ur ez cloner and bam ur done.
no more worries.
add a air pump with a couple stones and youll never have to worry if you should change ur resorvoir too!:clap: works for all techniques soil-hydro
cloning is easy with solo cups and sandwich bags the key is keeping the leafs moist the clone has no roots so all water is obtained by the leafs

Guerilla Gardener

Active Member
Important note.. when working with a T%.. even though its considered a flourescent.. its really strong.. a weak soft white flo bulb should go like 1 1/2" over top of dome whereas a T5 should be much higher.. like 2 feet!


Well-Known Member
here ya go I think this is way cheaper than $100. And I still think its easier, and I finally figured out how to post it properly, I guess its cause I was able to wake n' bake this morning.



Well-Known Member
Also, keep in mind that half the battle is a strong healthy mother plant.

In my strange little world..

CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN.. I like clean trays with clean plants, clean cuts, clean water, clean dome.. everything clean and or new. Clean razor or whatever you use and clean root gel. Even clean your hands before doing it. Anything that has mold or bacteria is going to breed when you put it in a warm moist place.

CLEAN!!! lol

Then just wait, don't be impatient. If they aren't dying then they are ok. When it's cold it can take weeks. When it's warm and the plant is healthy is can take 4-5 days. I always take a few extras so I can crack them open and see how it's rooting. Have a set of The White going right now. About a week in and they are all calloused up and about the take off. If you see it swelling at the base and it looks all white and funky.. That's actually good. It's just about to root.. Those are the stem cells regrowing as root cells cause of the hormone.

I've cloned under a 400w HPS before. You can do it just don't let them dry out.


Active Member
they cannot uptake waster with no roots! and when u have to much light, the plants need water. they cant take it up, they fall over. lighten up; i cut my clones, dip in vitagrow, put in pre watered soil in cups or 3" pots, put in dome. mist ounce a day for 4 days. and the light i use over them is a small cfl. only one. and i cut some longer leafs half way. do not give more light, till after they "perk up" and reach for it; and then, slowly.


Well-Known Member
here ya go I think this is way cheaper than $100. And I still think its easier, and I finally figured out how to post it properly, I guess its cause I was able to wake n' bake this morning.

i said under 100 but apples to oranges right? water pump, air pump, misters, pvc, neoprene inserts, net pots and a container. prob about 60 bux. how much is a tray, dome, heating mat, spray bottle and well why were at it how bout the time it takes to check on them everyday and spray them etc etc. all i was saying is its really easy, doesnt cost very much, no work involved once clones are cut and you will always have this ez cloner. the only problem you run into with the air layering thing is certain strains that have more flimsy stems that couldnt support said weight from a wet cube... try using black plastic instead of tin foil as it will hold the moisture inside cube for longer.


Well-Known Member
Here is how we clone. Take a good cutting and place it in a cup of water and get the rest of your cuttings for clones and place them in the water as well. Trim leaves and end of cut stem. Dip in rooting agent of choice and place in a cloning plug. Place clone in done tray and repeat until done. Fill tray with RO water and a little veg nutes. I place it under a 24" 24W T5 right above the doom and I leave it be for at least 7-10 days. I dont even really look at them, just glance to see if there is still healthy green under the doom. Normally by then they have started to grow roots out if the plug and I will pot them into coco pots with soil after about 2 weeks.
First is clones I just potted a few days ago, they are at about 2 weeks NY Diesel. Second is clone that where just cut 2 days (just cloned at time of pic so they are droopy). Last is the cloning setup.



Well-Known Member
i said under 100 but apples to oranges right? water pump, air pump, misters, pvc, neoprene inserts, net pots and a container. prob about 60 bux. how much is a tray, dome, heating mat, spray bottle and well why were at it how bout the time it takes to check on them everyday and spray them etc etc. all i was saying is its really easy, doesnt cost very much, no work involved once clones are cut and you will always have this ez cloner. the only problem you run into with the air layering thing is certain strains that have more flimsy stems that couldnt support said weight from a wet cube... try using black plastic instead of tin foil as it will hold the moisture inside cube for longer.
It shows u didn't even watch the video I linked cause in that vid there is no dome, no heating pad, no mist bottle, none of that stuff. Only a rockwool cube, a razor, some rooting hormone, water, and sum foil 2 block light. How much does all that cost? Way less than $60. Maybe u should actually have checked my link b4 u commented on its cloning style.


Well-Known Member
It shows u didn't even watch the video I linked cause in that vid there is no dome, no heating pad, no mist bottle, none of that stuff. Only a rockwool cube, a razor, some rooting hormone, water, and sum foil 2 block light. How much does all that cost? Way less than $60. Maybe u should actually have checked my link b4 u commented on its cloning style.
lol getting kinda upset are we? :clap:

i did watch the whole i commented on it in my reply and even gave you some advice with it. "the only problem you run into with the air layering thing is certain strains that have more flimsy stems that couldnt support said weight from a wet cube... try using black plastic instead of tin foil as it will hold the moisture inside cube for longer."

maybe YOU should read a lil more buddy next time before you act like a dick and make urself look dumb.
i never said that was a bad technique. its very nice. i was trying to help you as well by letting you know to use black plastic instead of foil? lol itll hold the moisture longer.
but when you really get down to the brass tax of it what do you do when you take 20 clones? 20 wet cubes weighing down your branches?
nice technique if you need one or a few but not very practical in most peoples cases.

