Help! No Med Records, Still Need a Card!


Active Member
So I just started smoking in April,
and have been caught by the cops twice already!
No tickets though, thankfully. Let off with warnings

But I am in need of a MMJ card so I don't have to be paranoid anymore

But I don't have med records

I'm in the central valley of CA, & willing to travel to the bay

Does anyone know where I can go WITHOUT previous medical records in the bay??

I've checked prop215.html and they all want med records :/

I hear they have some places in oakland you just walk in for 5 mins & walk out with a card. anyone know where those places are at?!

any help would be greatly appreciated! :peace:


Well-Known Member
I am also in the valley, and quite a few of my friends have a cannabis card. Only about 5 of the 10 have medical records. I would be more then happy to ask for you? We're all in Sacra.


Well-Known Member
Um ya for sure. Just check back with me and message me later tonight, and I'll ask around to see how and where they got it. I also looked online for you, cause I was curious, and I have medical conditions, and I found that san fransisco has a club. I'm texting one of my other friends to ask what club he goes to.


Well-Known Member
I'm not quite sure if that's it. I'm talking to my friend right now, let me ask him for you.


Active Member
been smkoing weed for 7 years never been caught and
you dont have to , my buddy has a card and he didnt have any medical records


Active Member
You don't need any medical records. You just need a recommendation from a physician. Don't be claiming you have something like AIDS. Then for sure you will need paper work.

I'm from southern cali and my medical mj card is valid for 1 year. But my physician told me to come back after 6 months because the recommendation is only valid for 6 months?


Active Member
i know you can get them without previous records
but every where i've called REQUIRES previous records

i'm going to try and get a card in southern california this weekend

so hopefully that goes well!



Active Member
i know you can get them without previous records
but every where i've called REQUIRES previous records

i'm going to try and get a card in southern california this weekend

so hopefully that goes well!


I think you need to get the card from the county you live in.


Active Member
I am in the same boat. I want a MM Card but I have no health insurance and know of now doctors that could prescribe this for me. Honestly, it does help a lot with migraines and sleeping for me...but I do not have any medical history of these problems.

How do I go about finding a doctor that won't cost me a 100$ for a visit and that will be able to recommend the good green?



Well-Known Member
Go to a cheap physciatrist and say its for anxiety. Say you smoke weed on the regular to calm you down and its the only medicine you believe in.


Well-Known Member
I really have no clue. I forgot how I got mine. >< I think I had a court reccomendation or something along those lines and got a referal. Just ask around, and I'm sure it shouldn't be hard, or keep your eyes out for a psychiatrist's office.


Active Member
ill look into that . from your experience... what kind of common conditions are more likely to provoke a psychiatrist to recommend marijuana? I'm not claiming aids or anything but aside from recreational use :) I do use it sometimes as a pain reliever or a sleeping aid but only citing that may get me a perscription to ambien or pain killers...not what i'm looking for if you feel me.


Well-Known Member
Tell them specifically you do not use pills, because of .. (make up a story) like because my father used to come home and beat me because he was always crazy from his pills he took or some sob story. I would reccomend saying you would like it because you have a couple reasons, but not too many. brainstorm and choose best 3 or 4 possibilities, and why they MM would benefit you. Come at it professionally, I guess. So Depression, anxiety, chronic pain, etc? But specifically say you do smoke and have smoked for numerous years, because that is what was reccomended a few years ago by a physciatrist in another place, but you never went through with it, and say you are currently using because you do not believe in pills, and thats what you use, but don't want to deal with the hassle of being caught for your own medicinal reasons. Hope this helps. :/