Help Now or Die!!!!


What up guys check out these curls im getting. I got a lot of ph drift going on...... Commmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeee on what is it?cheese leaf curl.jpgLeaf curl 2 leaf curl.jpgleaf curl green.jpg


Well-Known Member
Well you don't need to give a seedling anything at all...those first tiny leaves are all it needs until it gets a few true leaves going on...after they fall off then you start nutes. So I would say too much nutes will make the Ph fluctuate and also cause the leaf curl you see.


the first pic it starting happening first. The second two pics it has been looking fine and just started doing that today.


Well-Known Member
but then again sometimes seedlings just look weird, but for real every plant has those seed leaves and they are for just that purpose, they are plant food to fuel the plant to make it's own ways to get food...roots and nutes while those are there. they just don't need any.

Uber Newb

Active Member
Well, we gonna need a little bit more info to help you out. From the pics I see...

Your in hydro,
your temps or light is too far away,
your using a clear container for your res,
and some kind of aluminum foil for your reflective surface?

What is your temp? RH? Lights? Nutes? PPM? PH? etc etc...

If you dont give us all the info, we are all just shooting darts at a donkeys ass in the middle of the night with blindfolds on.

Sorry if I came off harsh.


I dont really feel like its the environment since ive started my seeds in this cabinet multiple times before. im running hydro dwc, right now under 120 watt florescent. The containers are not clear, Foil tape. temps in the mid to high 70's 55 to 60 humidity. ummmmm thats about it


not harsh at all bro I need help..... I have had multiple grows before I just had a baby so i had to move my grow from the room to the closet... it sucks its definatley a lot of new challenges..... Plus its so depressing having 4ooo watts sitting in the attic with 4x4 trays collecting dust. Anyways im not sensitive be as blunt as u want. thanks


the lights fine now I swear... its like that beause i had them started under a smaller light and they were in a tray with one of those big c.a.p. domes..... They will branch out good now