Hey guys I am finishing up my first grow and starting to flower my clones right now... So in my grow room I have one remaining AK48 that I haven't chopped yet and 3 clones that I've been LSTing.... I recently moved from cfl, too 400w hps and now to a 600w... Today I came home and noticed splotches on a few top leaves... I was hoping someone could help me out as I'm very new to grow and especially to HID lighting.... Here are a few pics... It's a 600w hps bulb in a wing reflector.. I have one stationary fan blowing on the tops... And trying to figure where to put another fan... So I've been having a box fan blow in through one passive intake flap... I have my thermostat hanging near the tops and I get readings between 78-83°...If you look closely I have boosted the smaller plants up so they can get the same light as my last flowering plant.... Is this an appropriate distance for a 600w... It's about 18 inches.... The other thing is I gave the smaller plants a first dose of Tiger bloom yesterday... So I'm trying to figure out if I splashed on her or its a heat issue... Any info would be greatly appreciated