HELP! nutrient deficiency i need fertilizer


I grow out doors
6-7 weeks old
about 16" tall
yellowing leaves (N def.)
red/purple steams (PK def)
they don't look healthy at all
potting soil
5-6 nodes
about 12/12 direct light
1 super skunk plant
2 mid plants

My plants are crying to be fed and it is so depressing because i haven't fed them.
All i have is 7-1-2 miracle grow (organic powder) and 10-10-10 miracle grow(chemical).

With the research i've done I heard miracle grow will make my plants grow fast as hell but the quality of the buds has a chance of being shitty.

I want some quality fertilizer my budget is around 15$ total.

my babies are growing so slow, i feel like a shitty parent.

here is the concluded question.
*what fertilizer should i get, what numbers are fine, and what do you use that gave you good results?


Well-Known Member
The 'quality' ferts for $15 don't exist. (outdoor will require more water, so you will go through ferts fast.)

I say go for the MG 10.10.10 It will get to the plant quicker then the organics (which need bacterial to break it down to a substance plants can absorb)

Blood meal is just N, could make a tea of it. Its cheap, but wicked strong. (and organic)


Well-Known Member
Some of the pro's use MG, don't believe all the negatives there are tons of examples of perfect tasty sticky icky nugs grown with just shultz or mg or whatever. The ones with micronutriens included are best imho but anything is better than nothing at all. just be careful not to exceed the reccomended doses or fert too often. Go full strength the first time since you have starved them, then watch for signs of burn and back off if need be and don't use it more often than the directions say.


I gave them some of the chemical fert but it is slow reacting fert. So i gave them some organic.
my stems are almost completely red/purple.
tips of the leaves are turning brown.
A node of young leaves die every 2-3 days.

Im such a shitty father. I fucking had the money to buy them what they needed and i didn't because im stingy......

They arnt taking in the fert.
So either the soil has a fucked up ph or...........this fert is to fucking slow.

All i want is for my plants to live.
I have about 3-4 nodes left.


Well-Known Member
Organics are slower. They need bacteria and such to break it down to a level that the plants can use. But end result is that organics get broken down to N P and K and chemical nutes are already at N P and K.

Elements are elements. Nitrogen is nitrogen. There is nothing more in nitrogen then nitrogen. Same for potassium and phosphorous. Check a periodic table.

The hype and the green-hype of organics shortsighted.


ok I took a few chemical beads and popped them to make them react faster. My plants started to grow pretty fast that week. BUT THEN
my sister snitched on me and my parents searched my room and found 1.5 ounces of this weed called mr. nice guy (its a legit strain). They also found 2000$.
They took my money, took my weed (destroyed it) and they made me kill my plants.
Now I'm super fucked

lesson learned.
rule 2: have a thought out plan for growing and dealing
rule 3: dont trust anyone
rule 4: get the correct materials that you want to use for growing before you grow unless your experimenting
rule 5: have an alibi for everything your doing (EX: no mom those aren't marijuana plants those are cleomes for my AP bio class)
rule 6: if dealing invest in lysol
rule 7: dont get drunk on the job
rule 8: be careful who you rip off; only rip the people you know dont know what legit is
rule 9: hide you money in a crazy ass spot
rule 10: pay employees 20% (of profit) commission; destroy time sheets and payrolls; smoke employees out, so they are content