Help on plant health


Active Member
My little ones are eight days old and are 4-6 inches tall. The leaves look nice and broad and are growing, but my stems seem too skinny. I have plenty light, two fans blowing directly on them and a time released fertilizer in the soil. Just some really good bag seed. I water every other day. Are skinny stems normal for this stage or can I do or add anything to make them stronger? Thanks.


Active Member
Everyone on here talks about mixing their fertilizer with their water. I chose to use the time released. Can I expect my plants to grow to their potential with this kind or should I shop for a liquid fertilizer? I am planning on switching when they begin to flower. Any recommendations for which kind to use?


Active Member
no one knows of a good fertilizer for the flowering stages? I believe if I pick the right one it will increase my yield considerably. Is this true or does it have more to do with the lighting?


Well-Known Member
Time released nutrient soil is a big no-no. To put it simply, it's shit. If I were you, i'd wait a little and then transplant them into better soil and then bury the stems up to the first set of rounded leaves ;-)