help on the first grow


Active Member
ok people i feel realy stupid because ite the first time im growing with nft and my plants are realy shouting from every ware they are only 8 days old and are 4 inches high and 5 inches wide and are on 5 leaf formation so wat i need to know is wen is it best to put dem on to a 12/12 they are on a 18/6 at the moment so any help would realy be welcome bongsmilie:leaf::wall::confused:


Well-Known Member
any pics, 4 weeks in is good to flower although i do mine 12-12 from seed. guess it depends how big you want them and what lights you got


Well-Known Member
depends on strain, just doing some now, check my bubblebomb album. did a thc bomb and got an o dry, horses for courses, depends on what you want to achieve.


Active Member
fair play if mine come out i would b realy happy and u said they are on a 12/12 from seed


Well-Known Member
my bubblbombs are on 12-12 from seed, messed up a little on ph and over fed,had to crop 1 4 weeks into flower and got 2 oz wet so another 4 or 5 weeks would have done good, still got 5 in progress though


Well-Known Member
less work, as 1 finishes just stick another 1 in, less electric, less feeding, less bud but did you want to grow a tree, not me .


Well-Known Member
cant have it all ways m8, if you have enough light,time and space then i guess you grow a tree but if space is an issue and you want to cut down on time then 12-12 works. you can also fit more smaller plants in space and do more crops in a year. there is good and bad to every way, i made my own seeds so decided to keep chucking them in as fast as poss on 12-12 and only need 1 grow space.


Well-Known Member
never hurts to try things, even if people say no its crap its still best to see yourself i reckon m8. i was told 12-12 was crap but you just have to give them lots of light from day 1