help on the first grow


Active Member
so i started with my water on every hour 4 15 min now i have put dem on 24 hour water on nft do u fink it will stress my babys


Well-Known Member
i doubt if thats going to stress them ,have to say though its a different game not 1 ive played 2 b honest m8, just perlte and compost for me.


Active Member
:blsmoke::twisted:i ad a stress full 1 earler i got som stuff dat helps with roots an decided to put dat in an da ph level went low i got scaired so had to rush out n get da ph up it took da piss i was der for bout half hour trying to get it back:fire::joint::hump: lol


Active Member
Can any body help i just had sum cuttins but they look like there buddin is it possible to turn them back and wat light cycle would they have to go on to turn dem back, i got them on 16 hrs on any help would i would b gratful