Sounds like your doing fine.
I would say firstly "don't give up" because anything worth while takes time and research. Perhaps read more to reduce your frustration level. Here's what my friend Pedro does for his seeds.
1. Small sealable container - could be Glad / tupperware / ziplock baggie
2. Paper towel - bounty etc
3. Soak paper towel and drain off any excess water
4. Place seeds between paper towel and dampen top if not completely damp yet.
5. Place in a warm place that has temperatures between 75 - 85F or 24 - 29Celsius
6. Check and spray dampen daily as needed until tap root appears to be about 0----- long
7. Get small cups or containers and fill with potting mix of your preference ( Pedro uses 50% potting mix 50% perlite)
8. Take a pencil and making sure its sharp (
) poke the pencil into the soil until it's about a 1/4 - 1/2 inch into the soil. Gently cover the top of the seed with a little soil (read don't pack down hard but just cover)
9. Carefully ( Pedro uses tweezers) take see and drop into hole with tap root facing downwards.
10. Thoroughly water soil until water coming out of bottom of container then...
11. Spritz or add a few tablespoons of PH balanced water every morning and night(read as long as its always damp / moist)until seedling pushes through soil
Done and done ( I'm sure someone has already told you this though