HELP! one month flowering the plant seem to be dying quick!!


Active Member
Throwing it out there you got anybody that would fuck with it maybe? If not PH or Heat and thats got to be extreme on both for that to happen that quick


Well-Known Member
dude its not a ph issue, even very very dry environments would do that to it. im tellin you look up leaf margin cupping or rolling. your plant is trying to breathe. if it is a grow box, or any set up for that matter with poor ventilation and high heat it could most certainly happen over night. i would IMHO (but experience driven) check drainage, temps, and ventilation. i dont know of anything other then those 3 things that would make your margins curl up so radically. hope you make the "right" choice. for your girls sake. GL man. check humidity as well if you have a meter. should be like 40-50 60 tops.


Well-Known Member
also looks a bit burnt by the nutes to me, but dont worry about that untill you fix the major problem.


Well-Known Member
You turned cannabis into string beans.. thats some Houdini type shit right there!

Seriously though, my first thought was someone has it out for you.
For plants to just curl up like that so quick? Looks like a man made disaster.

Temps get way past the 100s in so many places, but it never makes outdoor plants look like this.
Obviously indoor/outdoor is a big difference but still...

you better grab a knife and start asking questions, I'd be pissed.

Mr.Therapy Man 2

Active Member
Its looks like a comination nute burn and heat stress to me,if you had some more pics we could maybe help more.Your plant is pretty much dead....


Well-Known Member
This all went bad in a couple days? cannabis is ar really resiliant plant, but you took it to the next level.

If you expect concise advise follow the "stickey" format.