Help!! Only one plant and I’m trying to keep her alive !! Pay for info$$

Still no real help besides it’ll live in more soil….but to my understanding and the leaves turning yellow brown tips obviously something is wrong…
Yeah there are nutes in that soil and if your ph gets out of whack, its downhill from there. I thought my tap was good ph wise, until i noticed what looked like nute burn. I tested my water and it was 8ph. Got ph down and now water them with ph 6.8 and feed em with 6.5 due to nutes raising it.
Confused…your saying my ph is off right? Confused on message I’m high but I’m not using tap water if that’s what you meant my dude
I don’t have any just bought a house finally 2 months ago….I wouldn’t trust the tap water for my reef tank I’ll tell you that tho
A reef tank is a totally different matter. If you, or any animals you have can drink it, it's probably fine to use. I use to water for my organic grows. I don't seem to have any problems with it.
A reef tank is a totally different matter. If you, or any animals you have can drink it, it's probably fine to use. I use to water for my organic grows. I don't seem to have any problems with it.
Ok maybe I’ll try it then if you think that will fix this ….do you leave it out for 24 hrs or screw it? Idk I think I read some shit needs to evaporate
Ok maybe I’ll try it then if you think that will fix this ….do you leave it out for 24 hrs or screw it? Idk I think I read some shit needs to evaporate
Most like the chlorine to evap out, but again, most people just use tap water to water houseplants, give to animals or drink themselves. If it were harmful, you'd already know.
My plant moves every 4-6 hours and I rotate it so the sun hits every spot …,trust me this thing I got later July it was a baby with 4 leaves ….it took off imo it’s going on 3.5 ft tall n I think it’s a indica ….but most of the time it’s on grass I just have my chair here at night I post it here till sun goes down…n idk ph I just got a ph tester …somewhere I thought I read ph would be fine in distilled water guess that was incorrect
I found the numbers to be the sweet spot, you can tell what the plants like. Fox Farm nutrients and advanced nutrients also affect my ph a little as well. Coast of Maine Soil with extra worm casting and perlite
Dude those brown tips are from tip burn. There was too much nutrients for it. It wouldn't have come from the soil, its because of the feed. Just feed water now till you start seeing the colour lighten up then feed every other watering at about quarter strength till you go into flower then go to about half strength. Those yellow leaves can happen if the airflow around the base is low or there isnt enough light. Just pull them off. It can happen when feed is low an they start eating stored food from older leaves to fuel the growth at the top. But you have enough feed now. If the tips stay about that much your ok, but if they keep getting worse just put loads of water in it an then dont water again till its kind of dry. They will work themselves out.
Dude those brown tips are from tip burn. There was too much nutrients for it. It wouldn't have come from the soil, its because of the feed. Just feed water now till you start seeing the colour lighten up then feed every other watering at about quarter strength till you go into flower then go to about half strength. Those yellow leaves can happen if the airflow around the base is low or there isnt enough light. Just pull them off. It can happen when feed is low an they start eating stored food from older leaves to fuel the growth at the top. But you have enough feed now. If the tips stay about that much your ok, but if they keep getting worse just put loads of water in it an then dont water again till its kind of dry. They will work themselves out.
I just fed tonight for the first time they were there before that the brown tips…
I found the numbers to be the sweet spot, you can tell what the plants like. Fox Farm nutrients and advanced nutrients also affect my ph a little as well. Coast of Maine Soil with extra worm casting and perlite
What numbers the ph ?
Here’s a new one that must of popped out this morning …scary bc this one is on top of the plant ….I’m hoping adding nutrients which I did today would fix this but all the pics online don’t really look like it’s a nutrient problem that’s why I’m. Confused?
get yourself a copy of Marijuana Growers Handbook and learn something before your try to grow something. It's frustrating when all you do is fail and depend on others for info. Educate yourself
What numbers the ph ?
How long have you had them in that new soil ? An is that brown apearing on new growth ?
Also did you let them dry out too much at any point, as you said it has been very hot.
I think you will be fine, hopefully it should adjust to what ever went on an recover. Just do the basics, is all you can do really, good soil, sunlight and air an water should do the rest. Probably just had abit of a wobble with the new soil. The plant itself still looks strong.
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Oh an just make sure all the holes at the bottom of the pot are clear. Be careful not to drop the plant or any thing when checking though
get yourself a copy of Marijuana Growers Handbook and learn something before your try to grow something. It's frustrating when all you do is fail and depend on others for info. Educate yourself
Oh shut up it just became legal what’s this site for then….it’s a weed I think either way it’ll grow you don’t gotta be a rocket scientist ….stop thinking your so smart bc you grow bud bro lmao btw mustangs stuck
How long have you had them in that new soil ? An is that brown apearing on new growth ?
Also did you let them dry out too much at any point, as you said it has been very hot.
I think you will be fine, hopefully it should adjust to what ever went on an recover. Just do the basics, is all you can do really, good soil, sunlight and air an water should do the rest. Probably just had abit of a wobble with the new soil. The plant itself still looks strong.
Ty! I topped off the soil like a week ago but they been in the same soil for a month n a half give or take around 4 gallons let’s say….I added half a gallon top off soil a week ago
get yourself a copy of Marijuana Growers Handbook and learn something before your try to grow something. It's frustrating when all you do is fail and depend on others for info. Educate yourself
Your right I think she’s dead


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