Help!! Outdoor grow ants under plants in soil


Started an outdoor grow about 7 days old leave are huge already and looks really healthy, Its planted in the ground in Volcanic Soil.
I have an issue thought that im really worried about, There are black ants all up in the soil now and i went to water today and they had a whole dug
right underneath the plant, Are they harming it or do they just want the water??
Also if i need to transplant it and put it into a pot, How would i do this and not have the ants in the soil???

Po boy

Well-Known Member
use an ant repellent. there are several different ones and easily found. u can use the granules and even keep it well away from the plant. GL

Mr Roboto

Well-Known Member
Are they cruising up the stems? If they are then I could check for aphids if so. either way it should be an easy fix