so ive determined their leaf miner maggots but i cannot get rid of them i cut every leaf that was infected off and now more leafs are getting infected and turning yellow
yep, nice deduction.
Azamax or Neem oil should help, remove infected leaves. I copied this from a website.
Leafminer Control: Pick off and destroy infested leaves in small growing areas. Maintain plant health with organic fertilizers and proper watering to allow plants to outgrow and tolerate pest damage. The parasitic wasp
Diglyphus isaea is a commercially available beneficial insect that will kill leafminer larva in the mine. Use yellow sticky traps to catch egg laying adults. Cover soil under infested plants with plastic mulches to prevent larvae from reaching the ground and pupating. Neem oil and Indoor/Outdoor IGR break the pests' life-cycle by preventing larva from reaching maturity. Neem oil may also have repellent qualities and interfere with egg laying activities. Botanical insecticides can be used to knock down adult insects but have little effect on the protected larval stage feeding inside the leaf.
You can try this, got it from a website