Help! Pics!


Well-Known Member
Hey my leaves are looking really droopy and not sure why. My last watering was sunday, but also just added new humidifier because otherwise my apt was below 20% my detector called so i wanted to increase a little. Im thinking it may be broken! My plants are droopy but arn't really leathery so you tell me. I will not go to bed untill i get an urgent response because i am freaking out just a little. If you have any questions about my set up feel free to ask! HELP!!!



Well-Known Member
yeah fox farm grow big 3 tsp a gallon (6-4-4) and then 2 tbl a gallon (.01-.3-.7) I added them together in one gallon and i think i over watered them which is my problem i think for the next two waterings i will just use water because im not sure?


Active Member
for sure just use water for the next few times to flush the roots. that should stop the curling on the tips too. other than that they look goood


Well-Known Member
i have one of those moisture detectors and want to know how far to stick them down to get a good reading because after 4 inches it says high on water situation. My leaves stll look a little droopy and the tops are still not unfolding properly