hELP! Pics


Active Member
hello im having some problems with my plant. its about two or three weeks old and has about thirteen leaves and a new set coming in. the problem i am having is the biggest leaves are starting to droop or fall down. Also one of the leaves have little burn spots on them and is staring to have lil curl going down.they are also starting to turn yellow on the tips of the plant. im getting freaked put please helpbongsmilie
also this started hapening abput yesterday or the day before. I leave it outside during the day and bring it in at night. My friend told me i should give it 24/7 light so last night i set up two lights about 15 watt aquarium lights...i know ghetto. i left them inside a box with the light ontop


South Texas

Well-Known Member
Your soil & drainage looks good, or soil that will drain well. What ferts did you use for feeding & or what is in the soil?

South Texas

Well-Known Member
When you see the viens pronounced, it's a sign of a lot of Nitro.??? Overwatering will cause droopy & yellow leaves. What method do you use to know when to water? See if you can download Marijauna growers Handbook off the web. Getto lite is better than nothing. Take your ass to Walmart, & get something brighter.


Active Member
ferts i am using right now is General Hydroponic floro grow 2-1-6
i feed every wendsday its only been fed about three times plus today i thought it was because of the ferts. i only added a lil though about 1 teaspoon. i'll post a pic of what my plan is right now

South Texas

Well-Known Member
I don't have a clue what General Hy-Floro, 2-1-6. The 2-1-6 sounds good for 1 ft' tall plants, but how in the hell are you doing a hydro grow "otdoor". " Ask them closet people. The only hydro I do is when I piss on my plants. Good luck. Ask in the indoor/hyrdo sect.

ferts i am using right now is General Hydroponic floro grow 2-1-6
i feed every wendsday its only been fed about three times plus today i thought it was because of the ferts. i only added a lil though about 1 teaspoon. i'll post a pic of what my plan is right now


Active Member
Im not doing a hydroponic outdoor. i had just baught the wrong fertalizer. im just using hydro on outsoor i know thats a no no but anyways thanks for your help hopefully all goes well for me next time


Active Member
total nitrogen 2.0
0.25 ammoniacal nitrogen
1.75 nirte nitrogen
1.0 phosphate
potash 6.0
magnesium 0.5
0.5 water soluble magnesium
hope that helps

South Texas

Well-Known Member
For wont of a nail, the Castle fell apart. Stephen King. There is no problems, only solutions...? OK, chem or organic, chicken shit or meth, that is the question?


Active Member
those pics look like they both get enough sunlight. Not enough sunlight at a young age is bad. You need some more professional outdoor growers to help you out


Well-Known Member
those pics look like they both get enough sunlight. Not enough sunlight at a young age is bad. You need some more professional outdoor growers to help you out
I also think it looks like they arn't getting enough light. I'de stick a couple 23w CFLs 3 inches from its top for a week or two before putting it outside.


Well-Known Member
[I would do a complete flush. So if you have a gallon container, you need to flush it with 3 gallons of pure water. Sounds drastic but your hydro nutes are messing them up. If money is an object go to walmart and get a nute setup from them. just read labels. you know you want more nitrogen in the vegetative state anyways. Make sure your soil drains out well. If you have to add 20% perlite to your mix do so. Cause some of this could be the start of root rot. From here though the plant looks save-able. Then if you survive the next couple of weeks go to ebay and look up Blue Mountain organics. They are the best shit on the plant for every phase of your plant and were talking 7 buck a bottle business. You'll never buy any fert again with a pretty label! Once you asses the damage contact BMO (ebay only) and they will give you what you need! they are great in helping. Check out my pics and you'll see what i'm talking about. Best of luck God Bless...


Active Member
im going to go witharmlengthbuds on this one.. now about the flushing..i have a 5 gallon pot and when you flush how do you do it? like i know stay away from the plant but do i just let the water run down the sides?


Well-Known Member
im going to go witharmlengthbuds on this one.. now about the flushing..i have a 5 gallon pot and when you flush how do you do it? like i know stay away from the plant but do i just let the water run down the sides?
to flush u just keep dumping water into the pot till alot has run off. That is not nute burn though. Chances are a drastic flushing will just water log your soil unless it has really good drainage. Nute burn displays itself as crispy orange tips - nothing else. Not droopy leaves or yellowing leaves or dark spots. I don't see any browning/crisping of your tips...

This might help -

If the problem isn't lighting then i would go with water stress - too much or too little.