HELP! Plant deficiency??


8Hey growers, I have been having a problem with 4 out of 8 of my plants and don't understand what it could be. I have searched through this website, and others to see if I could determine the problem but to no avail. Let me first give you some background on these plants;

They are clones, they are approximately 6-7 inches tall, in their 6th week of veg. I am using pro-mix and happy frog, (bat guano, bone meal, blood meal, lime) soil mixture. The temp in my room is 73 degrees, and the humidity is low at 34. The plants are 18-20 inches from the light and it is a T5. My ph is consistently 6.0-6.5. I water approx. every 10 days (when the soil is dry), and have been sure not to over-water, or over-feed with chems. They have no bugs.

The problem I am having (as you can clearly see from the pictures) is that the leaves are dwarfing & curling downward. The new growth is bright green/yellow and then eventually dies off. They are not growing as they should be. It starts at the new growth then eventually spreads to the older leaves making them look mutated and paper-like.

I have tried to flush the plants, but there was no change. I have also tried adding epsom salt to the soil, but also no change. I do not understand what can be causing this problem, my other plants are doing well and I am using the same soil/environment as the plants that I am having problems with. Maybe there is not enough nutes in my soil? Or is it possible that the humidity is causing this problem? Could it possibly be a weak strand? If someone has seen or knows how I can correct this problem i would surely appreciate the help, I have been tearing my hair out trying to figure out the problem!

Thanks a lot!!!!


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bat guano, bone meal, blood meal, lime) soil mixture. are you adding these to the soil or is it already in the soil bag? Looks like nut. burn. not sure about your mix but imo just go with ffof + 25% perlight per gal. soil and 1 oz domolite lime per gal. no nuts for 3/4 weeks. amend with simpley add sunleaves seabird gauno a heaping tablespoon ammended per 3/4 weeks to chop and green all the way. Never an issue like this. Next exact water cycles of last 3 waterings just to cover off as an issue? Rarely in these cases are you going to turn em around by adding something. Just learn for the next run. less is more in every case.
oh. if you are using drops for ph get a ph pen like a hanna for 40 bucks to insure its on target ph wise. if drops they are not acurate.
I tried a new soil mixture for this batch...but i was using regular pro-mix soil + added chems to the soil according to the foxfarm feeding schedule in a previous harvest...which had 3 plants that did the same thing to me...the reason I change to the new soil mixture (which i mixed the dry chems to the soil, but then straight water when soil dried, as it recommended) was because I thought the previous chems were giving my plants nute burn...but even after I changed it Im still having the same problem in this batch. So are you suggesting that the new soil mixture also has too much chems..even though i made sure to follow the recipe to the T? And do you think these plants should be discarded? or were you suggesting " imo just go with ffof + 25% perlight per gal. soil and 1 oz domolite lime per gal. no nuts for 3/4 weeks. amend with simpley add sunleaves seabird gauno a heaping tablespoon ammended per 3/4 weeks to chop and green all the way." that you believe this should take care of the problem? (sorry still new to this...and am trying to learn lol) I know you said that it is virtually impossible to come back from this...i would be devestated to lose them...
I wouldnt disgard them. Learn from it and cont the grow. If you get back on track they should finish. should, but Id flush em and not ad nuts till they show clear sign of growth that may take a week? They are plants so they are the only one to know. you are clearly over doing it. If I were you id get some sunleaves seabird gauno when they are showing new growth add a tablespoon by making a hole with a sharpe about an inch deep add guano cover hole with soil and water normal. I have never had nut burn with this set up. If you wanna chance burning em again scale back a lot.