Help plant dying!!!! Dwc tub went dry...plant is wilting


Well-Known Member
I left my plants for a couple days and they drank all the water. When i got home the one was still green but just wilted...looks lifeless but I can tell its not dead yet. I just need to revive it and bring the leaves back up. How can I revive it? Please help thanks
Plant is wilting because it is pulling nutrients and water from leaves to sustain itself. The plant wants to live. Refill your res and let her drink. As long as the leaves are not necrotic they will bounce back.
Yeah, just fill the res back up and give her some time. Like some one else mentioned, if the leaves aren't necrotic, then more than likely she will bounce back. You have to remember, marijuana is a VERY hardy plant. It WANTS to live and will fight like hell to do so.. I'm betting your plants make it through... Hope this doesn't happen to you again though. It's always a shitty feeling to see something like that when you walk in to your grow room... It makes your stomach drop and is a total bummer. good luck to you!!!