not tryin to burst your bubble, cap'n, just asking for common sense. if his plant looks like crap, he waters it, and it looks even crappier, chances are it's not under watering causing the problem.
I just harvested about a pound of the wettest, saddest plants you've ever seen. i can tell you for a fact overwatering looks almost exactly like underwatering. The plant withers up, shrivels, and starts falling over. This happens because when the soil is too wet for too long the electrochemical levels of the dirt and the plant's cell walls become reversed and the dirt actually leeches moisture out of the plant.
Overwatering is worse than underwatering, for a ton of reasons. Instant correction as opposed to extended time-lapse or transplantation, simple lack of moisture compared to the diseases and ailments plants can become susceptible to mold, rot, all kinds of nasty things.
Basically it wouldn't be a problem if it was underwatered. He could pout some water and the problem is solved, bam, boom, kango-kabango, taken care of. It's not underwatering, it's overwatering, so therefore it's actually a big fucking problem and something that should be taken care of rather than sitting around staring at, in my opinion. Goddamn why you assholes have to play devil's advocate just to make me spout all this nonsense for a simple fucking problem that could have been addressed in one or two sentences. what the fuck.