HELP!! Plant Problems..


Active Member
Awesome, I'll keep all this in mind. Hopefully my babies will perk up a bit over the next week. I'l keep the thread alive with updates, and the actions I have takes to address the issue in case someone else runs into the same problems. Thanks again so far.


Active Member
Hey guys, you think the overfert / possible start of Nut lockout, would contribute to the very slow vertical growth my plants are suffering from. I have super thick stalks, but they just aren't growing any taller. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
of course. number one side effect besides the burning of the leaf tissue-slow growth. this is actually a warning sign along with the dark coloration of the leaves. once u see that in the future you now know what to do. they will grow out of it.


Active Member
hey guys, so it looks like the necrosis (overfert) is not getting any worse over the last couple days. however, I'm still experiencing quite a bit of droopiness. When I was watering 24 hours a day, I had some wilting, then when I changed it to 30 on 30 off it got better. however, it has gone back to fairly wilting. Any ideas. I'm running a pressure nozzle aero setup. you guys have any experience with watering cycles in an aero set up. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
hey guys, so it looks like the necrosis (overfert) is not getting any worse over the last couple days. however, I'm still experiencing quite a bit of droopiness. When I was watering 24 hours a day, I had some wilting, then when I changed it to 30 on 30 off it got better. however, it has gone back to fairly wilting. Any ideas. I'm running a pressure nozzle aero setup. you guys have any experience with watering cycles in an aero set up. Cheers.
As seen on TV ?


Active Member
sorry, not the aerogarden deal but the setup more like stickybuds harvest a pound every 3 weeks setup. Althou after reading his thread it looks like he's 1 min on 5 off. so maybe I'm way off with mine. I'v also heard 24 hours a day is fine. I'm still looking at super dark green leaves, and not much happening, so I'm cutting back my ppm to about 130, untill I'm sure the plant is really looking for nutes, and the new groth is coming out nice and light green. Maybe I'll add another two day fresh water flush in there if things arn't looking more up this weekend. I'm also worried I'm at risk of over compensating and doing to much. Is there a button somewhere I can push to exactly tell my what to do? that would be cool. Althou learning about it and bringing them back is also pretty satisfying. Ok i'm ranting. Cheers.


Active Member
hey guys, so here is an update with pics. Maybe i'm being too impatient, but I'm not feeling much of a change in my babies. One positive is I don't think they are getting worse. After some research, I'm now back to a 24 hour watering cycle at 100 ppm nutrient mix. My HPS 100 water has been moved up to about 24 inches from the plants. 25 C at the top of the plants ( which I hear is idealish) 65-70 in the res (F). My concern is that they always seem to be wilting. sometimes worse than others. Could this be a hangover from nut-burn? Still Very dark green leaves and not much new growth. Lots of thickness, not much vertical, and what looks to be a good root system. What do you guys think?



Active Member
hey guys, one more Q to add to the list. My Ph is crazy. I get up in the morning and it's at like 6.4 I take it down to 5.5-5.8 and in a matter or hours it's back up to 6.3 then stabilizes around there. It feels like I'm having to add tons of PH down all the time. I don't remember it being this bad on my last two grows (which were constant drip system). Any ideas why it would be going up so fast and hanging around 6.2- 6.4? And is me trying to bring it back down to 5.8 ish twice a day causing ph fluctuations that will hamper the plant? Cheers.