Help! Plant problems


Obliviously im having serious problems. Not sure if its nute burn or just lockout.pura vida organic bloom is the ferts i use im at 23 days of 12/12 250w hps was what i started flowering with but now upgraded to an 400 watter for more production.anyways,ffof is the soil indoor grow, temps are between 76 to 79 max with light on and 63 with light off i water every five days 3 gallon pots the thing is my solution ph of this nutes read at 4.5 with is pretty low so i check the run off and its at 5. Something in that range so, i ph'd the nutes to seven and the run out is at about 6.5 range so,my question if its lock out how long will take for the plant to show improvement its only been a day since i've notice the run off being are included for better precise opinions thanks for any help anyone can offer



Well-Known Member
Just a thought raise the light a little bit.
It will take some time to get better. sounds like you are on the right track with what your doing
Check out Plant problem in these forums
Good luck


Looks like your plants are 3-4 weeks into flowering :hump:
that is correct good way to point that out just by looks 27 days 12/12 you hit it right on the nose....hemlock you think its to close even with the cool hood I did the back hand heat test seems to be ok far as the hand feels no discomfort,i'm definitely close to the hood like 5 to 8 inches thanks for the quick replies

