^Not dissin ya or anything, I just want to recommend going with soil, til ya get the hang of things, because it's the most forgiving of mediums. It leaves alot more room for mistakes, than the rest, which is a good thing, because you ARE going to make mistakes, that's inevitable. Even the best of us, have made plenty, especially when starting out.
Also,...you don't need any sort of 'super soil', just pick out some potting soil, and that'll work fine. My main sugestion, is too add some perlite, til you have at least a %10 'perlite to soil' ratio. I shoot for about 15%, and it works great. You have lots of leeway, too, so don't worry about being real precise. More, is better than not enough, you're soil will just dry out a little faster.
One more tip,......go with bigger sized pots, if ya have the space. A 5-gallon bucket,(for the final size pots) is ideal, for most indoor situations. Yes, you can grow perfectly healthy plants, in smaller pots(I used 3 gallon pots, for a long time, with great results), but once you go bigger, and see the differences, you won't wanna switch back, unless you are growing really small plants, like going 12/12 from seed, for example. Sooooo much could be said, but I'm getting hungry, so that's enough for now.haha