Help plants are too tall and reaching lights


Active Member
Help plants are too tall
Well.....on my first grow I grew from clones (master kush and bubba kush) and complained that the plants didnt grow tall enough and put out a poor yield

So this time I go all feminized seeds white widow from Dr. Chronic.....

- I have a very tall closet so I put in two rows with 2 sets of lights

- More then enough ventilation to the outside

- Running a portable AC unit so the temps are good

So now the plants grew so well that they are TOO tall and reaching the lights and getting burned. I dont have a way of raising or lowering the lights and the 2 shelves are not movable up and down.

Is there anything I can do?


Well-Known Member
Are you flowering or in veg? if you're still in veg then you will surely run into problems when the plants stretch during 12/12... how old are they, how many nodes? a pic says a 1000 words.. you're going to have to lst/top/fim those guys.. unless they're in flower, in which case you would have to tie the tallest parts down so they dont grow as tall


New Member
if you get seeds from dr.chronic, you should check out, i use to get from dr,chronic untill i ordererd from this site, way cheaper and has better quality strains, check them out, just trying to save people some cash

Puffin Afatty

Active Member
just tie em down...keep tieing them down...I have to do a vertical scrog with Snow White, she really likes to stretch...I just keep tieing her down, all the way thru harvest...

Tie a string to the highest top, pull it down, sideways and down to horizontal and tie it to something lower...keep doing this to level the canopy until the stretch stops...


Asshole Patrol
Sorry if these pics arent too helpful, but they're the best ones that I have at the moment. I've trained one of my ladies down using holes that I drilled around the edge of my 5gal bucket and paper clips. This method works well if you begin early on in veg while the plant is still close to the rim of your container. If you find yourself in a position where paper clips wont work, then try some string.

Basically, what you're aiming for is to train the branches down without breaking. It will typically only take your ladies an hour or so to start redirecting themselves toward the light, which I've always found fascinating.

If you're not able to train the main stem/branches down without tipping the pot, then try tying a piece of string at the point that you would like her to bend, and tie it off evenly to the wall or something close by. Use that piece of string as leverage to help hold the plant upright while training the upper half downward.

Also, check out the Grow FAQ on LST. The pics there arent that great either, but it gives an explanation on what you're doing.

