Help plants doing poorly . OG Kush

I have some OG Kush bag seeds . I've been growing under CFL lighting for 2 weeks. The first two fan leaves are dryig up and dying they also have some yellowish brown going on. Now the next set of lower leaves are atrting on the same road help.
I've been growin in MG seedlings, I haven't added any nuts to it yet . And my water ph was at 7.2 but I adjusted it today to 6.8. Is this ideal? Help
Will add pictures later today.


Well-Known Member
Pictures will help. They are 2 weeks old in Miracle Grow Seed Starter Soil? Depending on how big they are, you might need to start adding nutes. There are many other factors you have to look at as well though. Heat, Humidity, Light Distance, How much light you have. 7.2 ph is a little high. 6.8 is better, but you should try to aim for more like 6.3-6.5ish but 6.8 is fine.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
I would think they should start getting nutes soon. Give them a half strngth feeding and see how they respond


Well-Known Member
2 weeks is still a lil early to give nutes especially if ur using soil with nutes already in it. so u might be over feeding/ over watering. Its better to the under water then over water.

Post pics for more help.
this is my thread i changed my user name> the lights are 1ft away from my plant. the hunidity is at 60% and temp at 80 degrees>
i dont think im over watering them . i water every other day or when soil is completley dryed out. and yes the miracle grow has nutes already in it. heres some pictures i just posted hopefully these will help you guys help me.


Well-Known Member
Since your soil is a seed starting soil I'm willing to bet there isn't much food added my MG, what's the ratio on the bag?
i transplanted the plant a couple days ago and used the same soil. so would i still need nutes even tho i transplanted the plant intyo new soil with nutes in it ?
but the two lower fan leaves were already dieing f=before the transplant and the newer ons started today well after the transplant


Well-Known Member
for CFL lighting 1 foot away is awful far away. That plant isn't getting nearly as much lumens as you think it's getting. CFL lighting lumens decrease by half at about 2-3 inches from the bulb. Put your hand on the top of the plant and get the light as close as you can with out your hand being uncomfortable from the heat. That's how close your light should be to your plant at all times.

If you are in fact using Miracle Grow Seed Starter than there is very little nutrients in the soil to start with, after 2 weeks there shouldn't be much if any nutrients left in the soil. I would start giving them about 1/4 dose of what ever nutrients you plan on using. If you plan on using Miracle Grow soil to transplant into, then I would just transplant it now instead of adding nutes. Miracle Grow soil nutrients is water soluble, so it feeds every time you water, no need for extra nutrients until mid flowering.
i had already transplanted it. and yes the next set of leaves started to discolor after the transplant. so is nutes the final conclusion? its what iwas thining aswell