HELP!!! Plants drooping. photos enclosed

dying1.jpgdying2 (2).jpgdying1 (4).jpgdying1 (6).jpgdying2 (5).jpgdying1 (2).jpgdying1 (5).jpgdying1 (7).jpgdying1 (6).jpgdying3.jpgdying2.jpgdying1 (3).jpgdying2 (3).jpgdying2 (4).jpgdying1 (8).jpgwell i set up my hps light and i deff see a diff but the soil is drying so much quicker i feel like i would have to water them twice a day. and a few of my plants are starting to droop. why could this be happening? i posted photos of some of my plants. the one is drooping could it be because i have it in the same pot as another. Because the other plant that is in there with it is looking ok. Also they are still alittle discolored. The small plant i have was planted at same time and is growing much slower what could be causing this. It is a better strain much better. i also posted photos of how close the light is maybe i should move it up. I would also like to know how long i should veg the plants. Before changing the light cycle i have them on 18 on and 6 off. the light is a 250 watt hps. Ia it ok to water everyday i have them in mg soil. Any tips or help would be great thank u. O yea on other thing one of the plants has fallen over but its still alive it just wont stand and is growing real funny looking


Active Member
you never put a high wattage HPs within a few inches away which it looks like your doing.


Active Member
Secondly you shouldn't have 2 plants in the same pot I dont know why but it ain't good. I think your maybe burning the plant. But overall light is too close judging from the 10th/11th pic and Supposedly MG isn't a good soil to use cause of its time release ferts that arn't good for seedlings. Now thirdly You veg as long as you want but only flower when its atleast 12 inches remember the plant will grow twice its size when put into flowering.

But overall that light is tooooooooooooooo close and is killing them