Help!! Plants dying!

I would bet that the white powder you saw at the bottom of the container was nutrient salts built up. If you have 30% perlite, flushing should not cause it to soak permanently. I stand by my
Flushing recommendation, and if you are scared take a shop vac to the bottom of the container to suck some excess water out.
I once overfertilzed and burnt a plant very badly, it took a month and a half to get it back to normal.
How did I know it was too much nutrients? I tested the PPM of the runoff. It was over 4000ppm. I recommend you do the same with a TDS meter. That will tell you how much nutrients you have added.
See that’s something I haven’t tested. But I was also getting the white powder on top soil too. It was mold from being moist and warm. It came along with fungus gnats. But I will definitely look into a Ppm meter to test my runoff
Hello! I am fairly new to growing, I’ve successfully harvested 2 plants with miracle grow potting soil and some cfls... I recently got a 150w HPS and am trying an all organic grow. I’m using 70% peat moss, 30% perlite and I have dr earth 4-4-4 all purpose nutes. I ph all of my water to 6.2-6.8 and water when dry. All of my leaves have browned and crunched off. I have removed the dying lower leaves but the top ones keep browning and crunching off. I haven’t used any buffering in my soil like Lime or CalMag. Could this be my problem??

What the hell dude.... These were popped from seed 30 days before you popped yours. They are in half gallons. So your soil is all wrong... To that you should have added compost and organic matter. Like a good compost and. 50 % pro-mix 20%composte. 30% perlite. And had the irganic fertilizer recomended for this tottal mix. The key ingrediant is composte.. Then Throw in beneficial bacteria and fungus. Like great white from plant success.. Mix it good. Then you always top dress with a lityle composte mix with fertilizer and gently blend it in first 1/4 inch of top soil. This composte and bio-organism will be the ph regulator and the food factory for the plant. My plants are like 30 inch to 3 feet from bottom of pot and are 2-5 weeks ready. (i've started them 2 weeks appart. Some are closer to harvest then others. Which explains the nitrogen depletion more pronouced on certain plant i didnt defoliate to see the timing when the plant no longer used nitrogen and these fan leaves were extras i left under canopy for extra sunpower since i've seeded one branch of each plant for further breeding the line.. And i've fed them real hard. Nearly 2 kilos of gaia super bloom 4 plant in small pots. Your plants should look like my male that i've juste cut back a week ago to revedge and keep for future growth. DSC_0122.JPGDSC_0134.JPGDSC_0118.JPG


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A little update. Fuck cats. My cat snuck into my grow room and ate the top of one of my plants. The other one still has nodes growing off so I’ll keep updated what happens with both of them
A little update. Fuck cats. My cat snuck into my grow room and ate the top of one of my plants. The other one still has nodes growing off so I’ll keep updated what happens with both of them
My cat just ate the ends of at least two fan leaves this morning. Errrg! I feel your pain. Stupid cat might end up finding out one of the ways it can get skinned if she doesn't stay out.