Help plants look like theyre dieing


Well-Known Member
IMAG0301.jpgIMAG0304.jpgIMAG0302.jpgIMAG0307.jpgIMAG0306.jpgIMAG0305.jpgIMAG0308.jpgIMAG0300.jpgjust all of a sudden happened within 2 days. I think i might have fed them too much but some of it doesnt look like nute burn. i think some of it might be mold just want a 2nd opinion, i am growing in soil in a sealed room with co2 enrichment ambient temp is 80-85 degrees with lights on humidity 75% im getting a dehumidifier this week definately. under a 1k and 600 watt light 3 weeks into flowering im feeding them every 5 days with bud factor x and bloombastic. pretty sure im overfeeding by quite a bit. im gonna hold back next watering and just give some cal mag. If anyone has any insight on the ones that look more like mold any help would be appreciated


Well-Known Member
You're not supposed to spray neem with lights on partner. Someone else can explain better but basically it melts into the stomata and causes them to clog with neem oil. Supposed to spray it when lights are off.


A bad mite problem can kill the leaves, but unless they have some serious webbing going on that might not be the case. I would get the bugs under control and go either half strength with your feedings or just use water until growth/health returns to normal.
sorry to see this. if you had a infestation, could have shocked your plant and you might have issues returning to a normal rate of growth. take it easy and definitely don't spray during your 12 on. get a green light in there to work in the dark.