HELP!!!! Plants of unknown strain 6 weeks into flower.

Hello... I need some help. I got a bunch of seeds from a friend of mine, and basically put them in a paper towel.( I know now that this is bad) But none the less they sprouted. We used fox farm soil and put the sprouts in those trays with six little holes about 1 inch by 2 inch. Once they were about three inches tall we moved them to pots about the size of a softball. We had twenty in this stage. From over watering and under watering we lost 12 of them. We had 8 left and once they were about eight inches tall we moved them into 5 gallon grow pails. We started the grow in late June. We had four plants that were doing better then the other four so we moved the small four inside under fluro lights for veg cycle. The other four big ones we left outside in the sun. My problem is this.... I've done loads of research and learned alot this grow. I started using nutrients and it helped tremendously. But It's getting cold. Next weeks forecast has a couple nights getting down below 32 degrees. They are about 5 weeks into flower and already have pretty nice buds. One of the four big outside plants was a boy so we killed him early... now we're left with 3 big females. One was 28 inches when put into flower the others 18 and 15 inches. The 28 inchers is now 48 inches and looks VERY nice. The other two are 32 and 30 inches. All three have nice buds. Obviously the big plants has more buds points but it seems like the smaller ones have thicker buds... why is this?? My main question is how long can I let them go??? The bud points on all three have turned dark red over 40% of the plant. How long should I go... It's getting cold.


5weeks isnt enough man your just gettin antsy.sit back and let them finsh out in another cupple weeks.. they can withstand some said there small so try and cover them up if ya can to keep some frost off of them if ya like..good luck lets see some pics


Active Member
They can stand a light frost or two so let 'em go. Last year I had premmies and ended up letting them get a little too much frost. It will stunt the growth and if cold enough for long enough the calyxs can get some frost damage. If this happens you simply have a hash plant =)
I think the only reason they are small is because we started them so late. It was mid august when we put them into flower. Our setup is strange. We have the plants in pots like i said, but during the day the pots go outside for natural wind and sun. During the night we put them inside a shed to give them total darkness undisturbed. It's set to rain for the next week with no temps getting over 55. Without another light source other than the sun... what do I do.? When is cold too cold??? Because we have a heater for the shed and can keep it not freezing in there during the night. But what about when they are out during the day? If it's only 50-55 during the day.... and dropping. What's the cut off point? What do I look for? I'll be posting pics today. Hopefully they aren't crappy. I took them with my phone. Thanks guys. and gays if we have some lady growers:)

We ended up giving in and harvesting the smallest plant shown in the top four pictures in the back. We got alot of bud off it!!! It's all purple and fantastic smelling. I'm gonna explain that the smallest plant didn't seem to be dealing with the cold weather as well. It was not growing very fast at all and had turned almost entirely purple. I am gonna take your advice and let the other two go for as long as mother nature will let me. I got about an oz and a half off the little one with much more expected from the second biggest and more yet expected from the big one. The first picture is of the crown on the big plant. The second picture is all three of the ladies hanging out. Just chillaxin. The third picture is of the crown bud on the small one without the leaves trimmed. The fourth picture is the big one bottom up. The fifth picture is the second biggest plants crown. The sixth picture is the small plant we harvested tonight. The seventh picture is the second biggest plant. Thanks for replying guys.